Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Israeli High Court: "Tear Down This Wall"

Irrespective of where one stands on the Middle East, it is hard not to have at least a hint of awe at the unfettered independence and integrity of Israel's judiciary.

On Tuesday, Israel's High Court of Justice directed the government to dismantle and relocate a portion of Israel's "security wall," ruling in support of a petition by Palestinian villagers residing in the West Bank.

From New York Times:

The panel of three judges ruled unanimously that a mile-long section of the barrier should be redrawn and rebuilt in a “reasonable period of time.” Chief Justice Dorit Beinish wrote in the ruling, “We were not convinced that it is necessary for security-military reasons to retain the current route that passes on Bilin’s lands.”

The Defense Ministry, which oversees the planning and construction of the barrier, said it would “study the ruling and respect it.”

Equally noteworthy is the Israeli government's reflexive affirmation of this Order.

Imagine that - the Defense Ministry immediately pronounced it will comply, however deep its disagreement must be.

No subsequent bellyaching about "activist judges." No clamour to stack future Courts with partisan flunkies.

Simple deference for the rule of law - but one of the multitude of reasons Israel is a great nation - flaws, warts and occasional, giant lapses in judgement notwithstanding.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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