Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Canadian Blog List

Today seems like a good day to introduce our readers to some of the better Canadian political blogs I've encountered.

Covering most of the nation's political spectrum, they've emerged over time as sites that frequently update and are worth repeated visits to keep you in the Canadian political loop.

So then, here are my nominees for our Great Canadian Blog List:

Blogging Canadians
Blogs Canada: E-Group
Calgary Grit
Canada, eh?

Cathie from Canada
Engaged Spectator
Peace, Order and Good Government, Eh
Peterborough Politics

Red Tory
Scott's DiaTribes
Section 15

The Canadian Blog Exchange
The Galloping Beaver

Please let us know about your favourites or your own blog in our comments section.

I'll do a Canadian law blog list at some point soon. In the meanwhile, Justia Blawg Search provides a pretty good starting point.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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  1. My least favourite is a blog called Far and Wide. Rabidly anti-Israel.

    I love Red Tory.

  2. I would dispute that Steve who runs Far and Wide is Anti-Israel, much less "rabid".

    Thanks for the props. I would add that Progressive Bloggers is a good resource for people to read a lot of good blogs (though bewing the site amdin there, I'm obviously biased).

  3. Well (beating drum and blowing horn), my place isn't a bad read.

  4. Hey! How could you leave rabble out of your list? It should be right at the top!


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