Thursday, October 11, 2007

McGuinty Confirms February Statutory Holiday for Ontario

Making good on an election promise, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has announced that Family Day, Ontario's new statutory holiday, will begin in 2008.

The holiday will be on the third Monday of February each year.

This is a very welcome development.

A note, though, at the risk of snowing on the Family Day parade.

Am I the only one who finds the name of this new holiday a bit cloying and pandering?

There are many Ontarians without families, by choice or by circumstance. Some may rightfully find "Family Day"a bit of an uncomfortable, exclusionary or upsetting reference.

Couldn't it just have been named "I Wish We Had the Rest of this Freezing, Dark, and Awful Month Off, Too... Day."

Who wouldn't relate to that?

(No offended comments from Ontario's many, blizzard-lovin' skiers, snowmobilers and tobogganers, please)

Hey, I've got an idea - let's hold a referendum to decide...

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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1 comment:

  1. Ok... I'm one of those who don't have a family... but wtf?

    Because 'some' people might be 'uncomfortable' we're going to spend millions of dollars so that the majority of people (who actually do have families) will say "Yes... let's keep it as 'Family Day'"?

    For crying out loud - stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and wasting money on solving ridiculous problems which don't exist.

    A couple of hundred years ago, our forefathers were fighting diseases, weather, nature and even a local Indian tribe or two, just to be able to survive and scratch some food out of the soil they had to till by hand. They didn't even have days off.

    They'd be spinning in their graves to see at what "upsets" us these days.


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