Thursday, October 11, 2007

Voters Reject MMP in Ontario Referendum

CBC, CTV and City-TV are now reporting that a majority of Ontario voters have rejected MMP in today's Ontario Referendum.

From CBC News:

As of 11:30 p.m. ET, with over 782,000 of the 8,380,702 votes tallied, 62.9 per cent of voters had cast their ballots in favour of the existing first-past-the-post system, as had a projected majority in 75 of the 107 ridings. This compared to 37 per cent of votes cast in favour of the plan.

CTV News' live results chart indicates the following tallies at 12:30 a.m.:

And finally, City-TV reports:

The way Ontarians elect politicians isn't about to change.

The referendum on changing the electoral system was resoundingly rejected, meaning the next election in this province will be exactly the same.

UPDATE: The Elections Ontario Referendum Results site is now running, and has up to the minute tallies.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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1 comment:

  1. Good! Maybe, though, we'll see some electoral reform bills being tabled in Parliament this next term. There are other alternatives to MMP that have significant merit; for instance, Australia's run-off system and voter recall.


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