Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another Taser Victim on Video: Utah Driver Refused to Sign Speeding Ticket

We have heard quite a bit from the "law and order" crowd about the many lives that have been saved by Tasers.

So allow us to ask...

How many lives were saved by this Utah police officer?

Judge for yourselves:

Digby comments:

Police in the country are now allowed to torture speeders by the side of the highway in order to get them to comply. The only difference between this officer slugging the speeder in the stomach and putting 50,0000 volts of electricity in him is that the latter doesn't leave any marks. The intent, the pain and the goose-stepping authoritarian message are exactly the same. Word to the wise. Do not ever question the police, no matter whether they are violating your rights, ignoring the constitution or breaking the law.

It is perfectly legal for them to torture you on the spot if you do.

I'm feeling so free I can hardly breathe.

Also see the ironic Tasers: Why Should Police Have all the Fun? from Red Tory

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

Visit our Toronto Law Firm website:



  1. It is my understanding Utah's speeding ticket has a box for the officer to check if the citizen does not want to sign the ticket. Although a civil rights attorney said the officer could have also just dropped the ticket in the car and left. I will never, ever let a civil servant intimidate me. The police should fear its citizens. This case infuriates me.

    Frankly, who gives a sh*t if Massey escalated the situation by refusing to sign and if local policy is to bring the person before a magistrate immediately if that is the case. Speeding is a goddamn misdemeanor AND refusing to sign a ticket is NOT A CRIME. The officer clearly did not do his duty as a public SERVANT by alerting the PUBLIC to his options under Utah state law before deciding to play Rambo. This prick was on a personal mission to enforce his will on his BOSS, John Q. Public at the expense of civil rights and the rule of law.

    I am amazed at any attempts to stand behind an officer who clearly made a dozen mistakes in that stop. I have already written the Governor of Utah demanding the state remove this officer, institute specific police reforms and ban tasers. Officers in the US did fine without tasers for 200 years, why do cops need a new weapon of fear and brutality? I have no tolerance for pigs. Officers are fine. But, we have more and more pigs.

    Our founding fathers told us our civil liberties would be threatened from within and with the potential that liberties could be threatened under the guise of foreign enemies.

    God bless video cameras. They are a front line weapon a free society can use to keep dirty pigs honest.

  2. Add this to the pile of injustice cops rain down on the citizens daily.. Don’t get me wrong. some police officers are great and deserve respect. But there needs to be more checks and balances for the ones who abuse the public. Sadly it takes a death of someone for that to happen...


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