Friday, January 11, 2008

Journalist Ezra Levant and Human Rights Commissions

Apparently, National Post writer Ezra Levant has his own issues with the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission:

Today at 2 p.m. I will appear before an Alberta "human rights officer" for an interrogation. I am being interrogated for the political crime of publishing the Danish cartoons in the Western Standard nearly two years ago.

As a lawyer, I've been in different courts and tribunals, but I've never experienced a kangaroo court first-hand. I will have a more comprehensive report later today.

We linked to Mr. Levant's recent exposé of Canada's human rights commissions, Censorship In The Name Of 'Human Rights, last month.

I do not recall any disclosure of this personal matter in that article. Perhaps it is a new issue that was not known to him at the time.

(h/t: Buckdog)

The Calgary Herald also has the story.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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1 comment:

  1. Canada: Freedom of Speech succumbing to Kangaroo Courts of the Human Rights Commission

    Proceedings against Ezra Levant are nothing short of ridiculous, but let's consider the implications for moderate Muslims. This "investigation" will further divide Muslims and non-Muslims in Canada. It will give credence to radicals' claims that the West is at war with Islam. It will antagonize non-Muslims and radicalize moderate Muslims. Regardless of the outcome, once again Islamists skillfully manipulated Dhimmi justice system and came out as clear winners. Thank you, Human Right Commission!


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