Friday, February 01, 2008

University of Manitoba Disciplines Students for Facbook Bullying

CBC news reports:
Nearly three dozen students at the University of Manitoba have been disciplined for a cyber-bullying incident last year on the social networking website Facebook.

University spokesman John Danakis says 34 students have been disciplined for taking part in a Facebook group designed to bully a fellow student in 2007.

Most of the students were in the faculty of management.

Danakis can't say how the students have been disciplined because the university wants to protect their privacy and identities.

But he does say the sanctions include an educational component, and are in accordance with the university's respectful work and learning environment policy and the student discipline bylaw.

He says this is the first time the University of Manitoba has dealt with an incident involving Facebook.

- Annie Noa Kenet, Toronto

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