Wednesday, March 05, 2008

California Same Sex Marriage Hearing

MSNBC reports:

The U.S. gay marriage debate shifted to California on Tuesday, as the state's highest court heard more than 3 1/2 hours of arguments on the constitutionality of a voter-approved law banning same-sex marriage.
Watch video of the proceeding from CalChannel:

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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1 comment:

  1. One major problem with the gay movement is that it encourages sexual activity with our teenagers. It is my position that teeanagers are not mature enough to handle the feelings and responsibilities that come from this activity. If gay marriage is acknowledged by the state as accepatable then we arrive on a slippery slope that cannot be stopped. Our youth will get a mixed message at school. The following points are my concern.

    It will be taught in school as acceptable and encouraged as cool and okay

    Kids will be more involved in sexual activity.

    More children will be born out of wedlock

    The mixed message is, “restrain from sex, unless you are gay.”

    Many suffer from emotional issues when involved early and are not able to establish long term stable marriage relationships.

    If the gay society taught restraint and no sexual activity until of mature age then we might have a discussion but this is not their montra.

    Do gays and lesbians advocate an acceptable age to begin sexual activity? Does anyone in the gay community teach restraint and abstinence?
    This troubles me as a parent when I am trying to teach morality to my kids and the state is doing the opposite.

    Do gays acknowledge any issue with youth engaging in sexual activity?


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