Chris Matthews, MSNBC's self proclaimed king of Hardball, went awfully soft on Democratic front-runner, Barack Obama, in a televised, live interview last night.
Go figure. Perhaps there were ground-rules.
Nonetheless, not a shining moment for Mr. Obama, in the aftermath of his Mississippi primary win.
The video is here.
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
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Question-Hillary Clinton is getting older women support-Why? the fact her husband is able to influence the media and the election as a leader does not make sense. He tossed Monica under the bus- a young girl-tewnty something.She is and has been castigated and he is honored. Hillary has not come to the aid of Monica or women who have been taken advantage of. Hillary has not made a speech about discrimination again women, about the abuse of women,about the disparity of pay in the work force that is discriminatory against women on all levels including the white collar and proffessional level. She has not expressed any policy that demonstrates that she is a champion of women in regard to equal rights. Is she being supported by womjen solely because she is women notwithstanding the fact that she has not set forth a policy about equal rights for wommen? She has not expressed any empathy for women concerning the fact that her husband has womanized women. Why then are these older women supporting her? Is it implicit that because she is a women that she detests the wrongful behavior of her husband with respect to women or that just because she is a women she is opposed to discrimination against women? Obama has the courage to come out against discrination based on color. She remains silent about discrimination against women.Her silence in this regard demonstrates that she is not a leader for real change. Why aren't these questions being asked?
Steven Thaler