Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tasered Utah Man Wins $40,000 Settlement

Mike Nizza of The Lede reports that Jared Massey, a Utah man whose roadside tasering went viral on You Tube, has settled his damages suit with the Utah Highway Patrol for $40,000.00.

A taser was fired twice at Mr. Massey by a highway patrol officer after the Utah driver refused to sign a speeding ticket.

The deal was announced a week after a Utah prosecutor ruled the Mr. Massey did not commit any crimes in the traffic stop, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. His civil case focused on the fact proven in the video — that the officer did not seek to arrest him before drawing and firing the Taser.

The video has been seen 1.75 million times on You Tube:

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

Visit our Toronto Law Firm website: www.wiselaw.net



  1. I'm usually a supporter of the police given the tough job that they do and all the restrictions they operate under.

    But geez, this policeman was unbelievable!

    The driver wasn't exactly cooperative but was hardly belligerent.

    There's a time to get the adrenaline pumping, but not when you're dealing with an innocent nice looking young Utah couple.

  2. How can anyone watch the video and have sympathy for Massey? He acted like a spoiled little child and was not only uncooperative but confrontational.

  3. How can you have sympathy for either one of them? The driver was a jackass and the cop was a trigger-happy bully. I guess that's how most violence gets started.

  4. Scenes like this are getting more and more prevalent. Some cops are getting out of control and giving the good ones a bad rep. It won't stop until, like in this instance, the wife gets out of the car with a handgun to defend her husband. We must defend our rights. Just being a cop does not mean he or she can do anything they want. If I witness anybody, including a cop, attacking my loved ones unprovoked, I WILL defend them or myself with deadly force. I will let a jury of my peers decide if it's self defense or justifiable homicide. I am sick of seeing videos like this.

    Tod in Texas

  5. Scenes like this are getting more and more prevalent. Some cops are getting out of control and giving the good ones a bad rep. It won't stop until, like in this instance, the wife gets out of the car with a handgun to defend her husband. We must defend our rights. Just being a cop does not mean he or she can do anything they want. If I witness anybody, including a cop, attacking my loved ones unprovoked, I WILL defend them or myself with deadly force. I will let a jury of my peers decide if it's self defense or justifiable homicide. I am sick of seeing videos like this.

    Tod in Texas


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