Sunday, July 05, 2009

Wise Law Blog - Profiled and Reviewed

Michael Carabash of Dynamic Lawyers has posted an article profiling yours very truly. Here's the link: Profile on Garry Wise: the Employment Lawyer and Legal Tech Guru talks about how technology has changed the legal industry.

Also interesting is Michael's own, personal blog post about our meeting (read it and find out more on lessons to be gleaned from from the sham-wow guy).

I have learned quite a bit over two recent dinner discussions with Michael and Omar, who are both extremely insightful and knowledgeable about just about everything.

They are among the leaders of a creative, new breed of tech-savvy legal thinkers who are guided by a genuine understanding of how emerging web-based technologies are changing the way lawyers and our clients can and will interact.

Quite a few ideas came out of those two discussions, and Omar, Michael and I will have something very interesting in store for you in the very near future... (shameless teaser alert)

As well, many thanks to lawyer Pei-Shing Wang of Toronto's PSW Blog for a very kind review of Wise Law Blog today. See: Blog Review: Wise Law Blog

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