Monday, November 30, 2009

Rachel's Bits and Briefs

University Enrollment is on the Rise

According to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Canada's economic downturn has led to a 38,000 student increase in full-time university enrollment this fall:
The economic downturn is one of the key factors driving a 4.1 percent growth in undergraduates programs and a 7.2 percent increase in graduate programs. By continuing to enhance their skills and talents in bachelors, professional and graduate degree programs, these students will be well prepared when the economy begins to recover and they will be able to put their creative and innovative talents to use, both for personal benefit and to help drive economic growth across Canada.

The Trial of Radovan Karadzic Delayed

The Telegraph reports that the trial of accused war criminal and former Bosnian President Radovan Karadzic will be delayed until March 2010.

Radovan Karadzic will have a defence lawyer imposed on him after United Nations judges ruled that he had 'substantially and persistently obstructed' his trial for genocide and war crimes.

Proceedings against the former Bosnian Serb leader will now be delayed until next March 2010 to give the court-appointed counsel time to study the case.

"The trial chamber hereby determines that the overall interests of justice are best met by the appointment of counsel," said a written ruling issued on Thursday by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

UN judges in The Hague took the decision after Mr Karadzic boycotted the beginning of his trial, which began on Oct 26, claiming he had not been given enough time to prepare his own defence.

"The accused's conduct has effectively brought the trial to a halt, which is evidently his purpose. Furthermore, he has made it clear that he wishes to control when the trial will resume, rather than the chamber. These are blatant examples of deliberately obstructive conduct," said the judges.

The 64-year-old former president of the Bosnian Republica Srpska was also warned he "will forfeit his right to self-representation" if he continued to obstruct the trial.The Bosnian War took place from 1992 to 1995, leaving more than 100,000 people dead.

Public Outcry Saves Neighbourhood Post Office

Joe Florito of the Toronto Star reported last month on a bit of a good news story.

Junction Gardeners Postal, a Toronto variety store and post office that recently faced closure by Canada Post, has succeeded in negotiating a new five-year contract, after 4,500 patrons of the store petitioned Canada Post to keep the neighbourhood postal outlet open.

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