Tuesday, December 08, 2009

140Law - December 8, 2009

recently tweeted
I've been trying to come up with the right "title" for our recurring "Legally Tweeting" feature, in which I provide links to some of the leading news stories I've recently posted on Twitter.

As you can tell, I'm zeroing in (at least for the moment) on 140Law as in, 'all the law you can handle in 140 characters or less.'

I know this reference will be a bit obscure to some.

Perhaps paradoxically, to others, it will seem sooooo obviously "2009" - and in an ever-evolving world of online trends de jour, that by, definition will mean this title is already passé - before I have even begun using it.

The truth is, I'd have preferred Law140 as a title, but as I fear the wrath of Jordan Furlong (particularly during Clawbie season), I have opted for this new moniker (while reserving all rights to reverse my decision, and this title, after Clawbie season is over, as circumstances may warrant).

I remain a bit of an agnostic when it comes to Twitter, but have found it a remarkably easy way to share the breaking legal news stories I encounter, particularly when time does not permit more comprehensive blog postings.

Hopefully, our retrospective collections of recent-tweets also assists our readers to catch up on some of the stories that they may have missed.

And with this in mind, on with the show.

Here, then, is our current sampling of @WiseLaw's news tweets (from the last month or so):

So there you have it.

Until the next 140Law (or Law140, as it may then be), I'll say thanks for reading, and invite you, of course, to follow Wise Law Blog @Twitter.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

Visit our Toronto Law Firm website: www.wiselaw.net



1 comment:

  1. How's about "140TwitterLitter"?

    It's a lot of links littering the bottom of the post. ;)


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