Friday, March 05, 2010

Child Custody Assessors Seek Protection from Misconduct Complaints

The National Post reports today on lobbying efforts by the Ontario Medical Association to seek legislation protecting child custody assessors from professional conduct complaints by parents who are unhappy with assessment results:

One of the country's largest doctors' groups wants more protection for psychiatrists, psychologists and others whose advice to judges in child-custody cases often leads to unfounded disciplinary complaints from the losing parents.

Charges filed to regulatory bodies by emotionally wrought parents are deterring experts from taking on the important work of custody assessments, some practitioners say.

..."The people who complain have usually lost their children," said Oren Amitay, a Toronto psychologist.

At a meeting last month, the Ontario Medical Association's board of directors instructed the group's staff to work with the Ontario Psychological Association and other groups to lobby for amendments that would protect professionals from "the harm" caused by "frivolous and vexatious" complaints.

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