Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Many Rob Fords Does It Take To Change A Streetlight?

None. Let the damned bikers ride in the dark.

(This could be turn out to be a bit of fun...)
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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  1. I give the same answer I gave to the Movie Producer question:

    "Light bulb? What the fuck do you need a light bulb for?"

  2. Compared to the alternative who'd have to hire a bunch of friendly experts to determine whether the streetlight should be changed and with what wattage. Then,an environmental assessment of the impact of the new streetlighting will commense with all sides hiring consultants (at taxpayers expense)to represent their interests in chamber.Once this is done the lobbying will begin to make sure that the proper campaign backer gets the contract to install the new light along with the right to sell it to the City of Toronto for a tidy profit. Then the city will have to wait several months for the work to begin while the bureaucracy takes over to make sure that only unionized workers are hired to do the job. Once it is installed it will be discovered that the new lighting is no longer in sync with the new standards regarding distance between streetlights and then the process will start all over again.


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