Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Eagles: How Long

Following up on our previous post on The Eagles new album, Long Road Out of Eden, here is How Long, a track from the album via YouTube.

The sound on this tune is as "vintage" as it gets - kind of like Take it Easy meets Already Gone:

Here's a second version of the same song, live from the CMA Awards last evening (h/t Jeralyn):

On the Eagles news front, not only has the new album sold over 700,00 copies in its first week and knocked Britney Spears from the number 1 spot on Billboard's charts.

The group's exclusive retail distribution deal with Wal*Mart has caused Billboard to change a long-standing policy against charting projects that are sold only in single retail outlets.

Entertainment Weekly reports:

According to a press release, "Billboard will now allow exclusive album titles that are only available through one retailer to appear on The Billboard 200 and other Billboard charts," effective pronto.

Now, certain people will celebrate Billboard's change of heart as a victory for classic California rock over ultra-synthetic, producer-based teen pop. Others may view it as a simple triumph of age over beauty. And some may even take it as a comforting reaffirmation of their faith in charts. Me, I can't help but see it as testimony to the undeniable market dominance of Wal-Mart.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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