Wednesday, November 07, 2007

"Law Lawyer Important"

We are able to get a bit of a window into the needs of the web-surfing public and our prospective clients through the occasional review of our website traffic statistics.

Among other things, these statistics tell us the search terms our readers have used to find our firm website.

Sometimes, the search phrases used can be surprising. And occasionally, I'll see one that will give me a chuckle.

Like this one, from today:

"Law lawyer important"

According to Google, that's us.

My mom would be so proud.

(Although it looks like we've "dropped" from number 1 to number 3 for this search string in the five minutes it took to post this article. Ah, Google - how fickle).

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

Visit our Toronto Law Firm website:



  1. Life is rough. Actually, we have shared coverage from the CBC on different stories. They do trackback on blogger comments on articles they cover.


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