Monday, October 05, 2009

Introducing OMG! Law Talk

Well, it's finally OMG! Monday and I'm very happy to be starting the week off with the launch of OMG! Law Talk.

OMG! is our original, 'short video' series featuring informal, but often emphatic conversations on legal issues, politics, technology and social media. We hope it will be of interest to our readers in and out of the legal community.

I've been collaborating on this series with law bloggers Michael Carabash of Dynamic Lawyers and Omar Ha-Redeye of Slaw, Law is Cool and OMG! will pretty much mirror the kinds of discussions the three of us have when we get together and the cameras aren't rolling.

Come be a fly on the wall. We'll have a new episode of OMG! each Monday on Wise Law Blog. As the series progresses, things begin to heat up.

Our inaugural episode features lively discussions on: Lawyers Who Blog; Managing the Public vs. the Private; Augmenting the Public with the Personal; Rants and Bones to Pick; and Search Engine Optimization Malpractice.

So here we go with Episode Number 1 - OMG! Law Talk is ready to sail:

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