Thanks, Thornhill reader, but with regard to Ottawa, I have no such plans at this time...
Thanks, Thornhill reader, but with regard to Ottawa, I have no such plans at this time...
The number of Americans admitted to Canada last year reached a 30-year high, with a 20 per cent increase over the previous year and nearly double the number that arrived in 2000.
The results of a survey, conducted by the Association for Canadian Studies, also revealed that the so-called "brain drain" of Canada appears to be narrowing.
The survey found that 10,942 Americans came to Canada in 2006, compared to just over 9,262 in 2005. In 2000, 5,828 came to the country.
The procedure is just the latest of so very many operations for Cheney, who has already racked up “four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, two artery-clearing angioplasties and an operation to implant the defibrillator.”
During Bush’s time as “president” tomorrow morning, he is expected to play with his dogs and maybe work on his fort in the back yard.
Vice” president Dick Cheney had his robotic heart replaced this morning, apparently without complications, and “resumed his normal schedule” of whatever he does on Saturday afternoons — probably reading the new Harry Potter book, working in the garden, or bombing some Muslims somewhere, possibly in Iran this time.
While Cheney was under the knife, George W. Bush enjoyed two hours of being “in charge.” White House spokesman Tony Snow said Bush sat in Cheney’s chair, pretended to talk to “big important people” and “the King of China” on the telephone, appointed his dogs to the Supreme Court, and had “secret service agents” accompany him to lunch at an Applebee’s in suburban Maryland, where he enjoyed a “presidential burger” with curly fries and then had some ice cream.
There have been some inappropriate pardons in the past, but pardoning your own subordinates for official misconduct undertaken in support of your political goals has opened up a whole new can of worms. Gonzalez and anyone else can lie, stonewall, refuse to comply as much as they like, secure in the knowledge that not a single person will serve a single minute in prison for anything they do on George W. Bush's behalf.
From SFGate:
I remember the heady days for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice...
How things change.
A few months ago, she decided to write an opinion piece about Lebanon. She enlisted John Chambers, chief executive officer of Cisco Systems as a co-author, and they wrote about public/private partnerships and how they might be of use in rebuilding Lebanon after last summer's war. No one would publish it.
Think about that. Every one of the major newspapers approached refused to publish an essay by the secretary of state. Price Floyd, who was the State Department's director of media affairs until recently, recalls that it was sent to the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and perhaps other papers before the department finally tried a foreign publication, the Financial Times of London, which also turned it down.
Despite the Internet’s famously short attention span, Google has been the most buzz-worthy tech company for nearly a decade. Computerworld recently named the search giant the top e-commerce development of the past 10 years.
Yet, now Google appears to be in danger of losing that status to Facebook.
Once merely an also-ran to MySpace, Facebook is now being touted as “a do-everything site with the potential to devour the whole Internet,” according to a Slate article. The article speculates that Facebook wants to become “an all-encompassing portal” similar to MyYahoo or iGoogle.
While that prediction sounded radical enough when first published in late June, it now seems almost laughably small-potatoes in light of the current speculation following Facebook’s acquisition of Parakey, a Web-based operating system created by two co-founders of Firefox.
Andrew Sullivan
John Cole - Balloon Juice
Cathie From Canada
Crooks and Liars
Daily Kos
Glen Greenwald
Seeing the Forest - Dave Johnson
Talking Points Memo
The Raw Story
Taylor Marsh
The Debatable Land
Think Progress
Welcome to Pottersville
James Wolcott - Vanity Fair
Matthew Yglesias
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
From Islam in America: A Special Report - Newsweek:
'Great question,' answered the president. 'I'm confident your answer is, 'I love living in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, the country where you can come and ask the president a question and a country where—' Are you a Muslim?'
'Yes,' answered Siddiq.
'Where you can worship your religion freely. It's a great country where you can do that.'
It was a good answer, says Siddiq, but not enough for him—not when he, a financial adviser at a major investment bank, is afraid to use the bathroom on flights because he doesn't want to frighten his fellow passengers as he walks down the aisle.
He thinks anti-Muslim sentiment in the country is getting worse, not better.
Tammy Faye Messner has died.
Love her or not, it is undeniable that she caught - and held - the public's imagination for more than three decades.
Was her allure simply in her calculated elevation of overarching sentimentality to an art form? Or perhaps, was she more the perpetual "victim," faithfully surviving one "unbearable" adversity after another - always, of course, in full public view?
Tammy Faye Bakker-Messner had a unique ability to engender sympathy and action - long before the PTL scandals, it was her chronic tears that drew attention to her trademark mascara, running down her cheeks, as she cried plaintively for help - and at times, money.
As an icon of 1970's and 80's, she carved a lasting place for herself in the world of celebrity camp, and to her very end, maintained that slightly outrageous, ever-enduring public persona.
True to form, her final appearance on Larry King last week will leave us with another unforgettable, if garish, image of an icon staying "in role" while facing her end with remarkable grace.
She was an original.
The propensity toward divorce does not lie mainly in the genes, new research suggests.
An Australian study of twins and their grown children finds that family history plays a key role, however. Adults whose own parents had split had nearly twice the risk of going through a divorce themselves, the researchers found.
But there is no "gene" for divorce, so to speak, said lead researcher Brian M. D'Onofrio, an Indiana University psychologist. "Genetic factors that influence both generations do not [significantly] account for that increased risk," he said.
The findings are published in the August issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family.
Prior studies have found that a higher percentage of divorced people come from families split by divorce. That raised the question of whether genes, "could account for the increased risk of marital instability in offspring of divorce," D'Onofrio explained. His team is the first "to test out that possibility and, in large part, rule out the role of genetic factors," he said.The research did not completely eliminate all genetic factors, however. According to D'Onofrio, about 66 percent of the increased risk for divorce appears to stem from the simple fact of a person's parents having been divorced. The remaining 34 percent of the risk seemed to be tied to genetic factors, as well as other factors affecting parents and children.
Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow nails it at
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
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LONDON (Reuters) - A teen-ager whose teachers had stopped her wearing a "purity ring" at school to symbolize her commitment to virginity lost a High Court fight against the ban Monday.
... Playfoot's parents are key members of the British arm of the American chastity campaign group the Silver Ring Thing, a religious group which urges abstinence among young people.
Take the Live Earth Pledge:
I havent seen this noted but I think the reason for the commutation is that a pardon would mean that Libby was no longer exposed to criminal sanctions and thus had no Fifth Amendment privilege. As it stands he has a fine and probation at stake during the pendency of the appeal which insulates him (and Bush and Cheney) from having to answer questions before Congress.
"The reason I will say I'm not going to close a door on a pardon is simply this: that Scooter Libby may petition for one," Snow said. "But the president has done what he thinks is appropriate to resolve this case."
"There is always a possibility - or there's an avenue open - for anybody to petition for consideration of a pardon," he added.
Posted by
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Labels: Dick Cheney, George Bush, impeachment, politics, Scooter Libby, US politics
On Senator Lugar's about-face on the war: "Months in the making, weeks in the writing."
Colbert has some choice comments for leaders with the "courage to wait."
Crooks and Liars has the video, also found at Comedy Central.
Separation and Divorce In Ontario - An Introduction to Family Law
Wills and Powers of Attorney for Care - The Basics of Estate Planning in Ontario
Untangling Web 2.0 - A Survival Guide for (Modern) Legal Professionals
Punitive Damages in Ontario Employment Law - Pate Estate v. Galway-Cavendish and Harvey (Township)
Money Mart Ordered to Pay $30K for Harassment
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has ordered National Money Mart Company to pay $30,000 in compensation to a former, one-year employee of the company who had been subjected to ongoing, serious sexual harassment by her workplace supervisor.
Workplace Harrassment and Bil 168 - A New Remedy for an Old Problem
Workplace bullying is a serious problem for thousands of Canadians at work. It can degrade one’s self worth and create serious health problems for workers and their families.
There has often been very little that could be done to stop the workplace bully in his or her tracks. But, in Ontario, there is now hope around the corner.
The Future of Wallace Damages in Ontario Employment Law
Family Law Change Comes to Ontario
Bill 133, Ontario's Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009, was carried in its Third Reading on May 7, 2009. The Bill enacts significant amendments to Ontario's family law regime.
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Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.
Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and other areas of interest.
Garry J. Wise is primary contributor to Wise Law Blog. He is a Canadian litigation lawyer who practices with Wise Law Office,Toronto. He is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1986.
Garry's colleagues at Wise Law, as well as occasional guest bloggers, also contribute to Wise Law Blog.
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In Conversation with LexBlog's Kevin O'Keefe - Part II