Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Most Read and Tweeted Blog Posts of 2010

As 2010 winds down to its far-too-chilly Canadian end, it's holiday season (almost) and time, therefore, for the inevitable annual retrospectives to flow.

Not wanting to be behind that curve, let's take a look back at the Wise Law Blog articles our readers and friends on Twitter have found most interesting in 2010.

These lists are always fun to look back on as sign-of-the-times markers. As digital time capsules, so to speak, they often tell us what quite a bit about what was on our minds in the year now nearly behind us.

Most Read

With the caveat that this information comes from Google stats, which commenced publication of its blog traffic statistics only in July, 2010, here are our most-read articles in (the second half of) 2010:
Most Re-Tweeted:

By interesting comparison in this, the year of the Twitterer, here are our most retweeted posts of 2010, via Topsy:
  1. Social Media and the Legal Profession: Where are We Today? (59 retweets)
  2. A Few Twitter Analytics Tools (29 retweets)
  3. Facebook, Background Checks and Job Applications (22 retweets)
  4. Blogging, Responsible Journalism and Damages for Libel (16 retweets)
  5. Is Cloud Computing "Careless" Computing? (14 retweets)
  6. Ontario Employment Law: Restrictive Covenants 101 (11 retweets)
  7. Notes on SiteMeter Stats vs Blogger Stats (and Blog Aggregators) (10 retweets)
  8. Ontario Employment Law: Wrongful Dismissal and the Common Employer Doctrine (9 retweets)
  9. James Morton: Ontario Litigation Has Become an "Elaborate Game of Chicken" (9 retweets)
  10. Ontario Family Law: Court of Appeal Rules Superior Court Judges May Request, But Not Order, Children's Lawyer Involvement (9 retweets)
  11. Ontario Employment Law: Reasonable Notice and 'Character of Employment' (8 retweets)
  12. Ontario Employment Law: Discrimination On The Basis of Disability under the Ontario Human Rights Code (8 retweets)
  13. Ontario Employment Law: Termination Pay and Severance Pay under the Employment Standards Act (8 retweets)
  14. Video: Eugene Volokh on Why You Should Read Law Blogs (8 retweets)
  15. OMG! Law Talk - In Conversation with Kevin O'Keefe (8 retweets)

There will be more seasonal fare in the week ahead, no doubt, including our 2010 CLawBie nominations, so please do stay tuned.

And thank you so much for visiting and tweeting us in 2010.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
Visit our Toronto Law Firm website:

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