- Court clarifies conduct of lawyers for Bertuzzi, Canucks - Globe and Mail
- Ex-wrestler sues over losing testicle in match
- Toronto shopkeeper pushes for new citizen's arrest legislation - Sun News Network
- Toronto-based TD Bank wants settlement with victims in lawyer's Ponzi scheme ... - Washington Post
- Eliminating conditional sentences could cost millions
- Egypt court dismisses lawsuit over Mickey cartoon
- Quebec man awarded damages over Time sweepstake letter
- New invasion of privacy tort has implications for employers - Lexology (registration)
- Low literacy in family court is a hidden problem: judges watch for clues
- Justices debate corporate responsibility for human rights abuses
- France constitutional court declares genocide denial ban unconstitutional
- $2B Tim Hortons franchisee lawsuit deemed half-baked
- Justices Skeptical of Bringing Torture Cases to U.S. Courts
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, February 28, 2012
- Canada's copyright bill: Changes urged as hearings begin
- Law Commission of Ontario calls for evaluation of family law information centres- Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- BP oil spill trial postponed to allow more time for settlement agreement
- Ontario to appeal judge's gun sentence ruling - CBC.ca
- Spanish court acquits disgraced judge Baltasar Garzon
- Articling how-to - Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- Bill 168 light on harassment obligations - Law Times
- 13-year-old referee ejects hockey mom, coach
- Why is BC reluctant to install cameras in our courtrooms? - Vancouver Sun
- Alberta Doctors Still Billing Province For Treatment Of Homosexuality
- Contingency-fee lawyers get reprieve - Law Times
- Toronto Zoo Orangutans may get iPad
- Harper denies using dirty tricks in Canada's 2011 Federal Election
- Yahoo Ready to Sue Facebook on Patent Claims

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Monday, February 27, 2012
- Real estate lawyer close to mortgage fraud, Law Society of Upper Canada says
- Ontario Superior Court: lawyer-authored court documents may have copyright protection
- Are Divorce Lawyers Necessary?
- Report Indicates Law Firms Are Starting to See Returns on Social Media Investment
- Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray denied bail
- US Supreme Court to decide if corporations can be sued for human rights abuses
- Bribery Case Against Berlusconi Is Thrown Out
- Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says - Fox News
- Federal judge dismisses challenge to Google privacy changes
- Hackers attack Ontario police chiefs' website - CTV.ca
- Ontario: dad arrested after 4 year old draws picture of gun
- The condo board, the lawsuit and the $40000 parrot - Globe and Mail
- An interesting interview with a plaintiff and her attorney in the "law school scam" class action suit
- Michael Jordan sues for control of his name in China
- Federal judge finds Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional
- Man must apologize to wife on Facebook: court
- Facebook/Zuckerberg Legal Opponent Must Pay Legal Fees of $75,776.70
- Stories of widespread bribery in Quebec's health system continue to emerge - Montreal Gazette
- Va. lawmakers halt anti-abortion 'personhood' bill
- Maryland poised to legalize same sex marriages
- Retired judges say crime bill will overburden court system - Vancouver Sun
- John Edwards sex tape suit settled (Daniel Strauss/The Hill)
- Lesbian Texas judge refuses to wed couples until same sex marriage legalized

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, February 24, 2012
- An interesting interview with a plaintiff and her attorney in the "law school scam" class action suit
- Michael Jordan sues for control of his name in China
- Federal judge finds Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional
- Man must apologize to wife on Facebook: court
- Facebook/Zuckerberg Legal Opponent Must Pay Legal Fees of $75,776.70
- Stories of widespread bribery in Quebec's health system continue to emerge - Montreal Gazette
- Va. lawmakers halt anti-abortion 'personhood' bill
- Maryland poised to legalize same sex marriages
- Retired judges say crime bill will overburden court system - Vancouver Sun
- John Edwards sex tape suit settled (Daniel Strauss/The Hill)
- Lesbian Texas judge refuses to wed couples until same sex marriage legalized

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, February 23, 2012
- Ontario court judge upbraided for conviction
- Judge Tosses Lawyer’s Suit Against Ex-Girlfriends for Posts at http://Liarscheatersrus.com
- 10th Circuit: Feds Can Withhold Prisoner Mugshots
- Ontario to scale back 'secret law' used at G20
- Judge rules State of Washington can't force pharmacies to sell Plan B
- Keep Your Hands off My Briefs: Lawyers Sue Westlaw, Lexis
- Law Commission of Ontario Interim Report on Family Justice System
- Canadians will likely pay for online surveillance bill
- Mountie who had sex with superior fights to keep job
- Conducting an effective interview: dos and don'ts during the hiring process from a human rights perspective
- Refugee's lawyer slams security process - TheChronicleHerald.ca
- Vaive verdict due in April
- Theo Fleury’s full victim impact statement

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, February 22, 2012
- Shameful firing further alienates Mayor Ford
- The state has no business in the hard drives of the nation
- Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom granted bail in N. Zealand
- Ontario Court of Appeal;: Mentally ill have right to challenge their lawyer's performance - Toronto Star
- Brampton judge orders defence lawyers be given reserved parking spots at courthouse
- How Does a Bay Street Law Firm Make a List of Most Diverse Employers?
- Another botched investigation and dismissal - Canadian HR Reporter (blog)
- Appeals Court Affirms Dismissal of Suit Over Guantanamo Suicides
- Facebook Now Upgrading All Profiles to Timeline | News & Opinion
- See: The ultimate poke: Ontario Judge allows service via Facebook | Legal Post | Financial Post
- See: Québec court likes service by Facebook - Lexology
- Nebraska Debates Ownership of Facebook, Twitter, and Email Accounts of the Deceased
- Judge and an Arbitrator Too? Delaware's judicial arbitrations challenged as secret process for wealthy
- Carefully consider terminating sick employee - Hamilton Spectator
- Race-based admissions? Supreme Court to hear case
- Legal claims can be served via Facebook, High Court judge rules
- ‘Sentencing Stereotypes’? Racism in the Legal Profession in LSUC v. McSween

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, February 21, 2012
- How The Megaupload Shutdown Has Put 'Cloud Computing' Business Plans At Risk
- Beware opening door to online surveillance, critics say
- Judge Allen Beldock, 92, Still on Queens Bench, but Without Pay
- Two justices suggest Citizens United ruling should be reconsidered in Montana case - Washington Post
- Federal Judge Strikes Down Louisiana Law Banning Sexual Offenders from Facebook - Law Blog - WSJ
- Lawyer fined $35k and suspended for frivolous court filings
- Vikileaks Twitter account closed as speaker launches probe
- High court dilemma: Can lie about medal be crime?
- iPhone 4 Owner? Apple May Owe You $15 - settlement reached in lawsuit over reception problem
- Cocaine found on, not in Costa Concordia captain's hair
- Canads's same-sex marriage law to be changed to address divorce
- Gambling losses aren't tax writeoffs, court rules
- N.J. governor rejects bill allowing same-sex marriage
- Judge calls residential schools a form of genocide
- Vikileaks and the death of the journalist as news gatekeeper
- Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Awards Disabled Woman $15,000 over discriminatory firing,$1.25 hourly wage
- Facebook hacker jailed for eight months - The Guardian
- UN official: evicting homeless could violate international human rights
- Mandatory religion course doesn't infringe on freedoms, top court rules - Globe and Mail
- Visit Jesus Christ on Facebook....
- Cops: Naked man walks into Walmart, steals socks
- Ottawa to close legal loophole threatening gay marriage - Globe and Mail
- 5 Toronto men facing more than 500 charges in massive auto fraud bust

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, February 17, 2012
- Rick Vaive did not drink and drive, former Leaf teammate testifies
- Vancouver Stanley Cup rioter gets 17 months in jail
- Anti-abortion "personhood" bill clears Oklahoma senate (Steve Olafson/Reuters)
- Supreme Court to rule on Quebec ethics and religious culture course - Montreal Gazette
- Gay Marriage, Passed in N.J., Awaits Veto by Christie
- OK Woman Sentenced to 12 years for $31 Marijuana to Get Early Parole Hearing
- Lawyer launches court battle for parking spots at Brampton courthouse - Toronto Star
- Ont. court orders Bertuzzi lawyers to hand over settlement details - Vancouver Sun
- Ethics Complaint Claims Lawyer Tried to Sway Potential Jurors by Posting Discovery Video on YouTube
- Moody's reviewing ratings of Royal Bank of Canada, other big banks
- 1st person convicted in Stanley Cup riot to be sentenced
- Judge Allows Incriminating Text Messages Between Spouses in Child Abuse Trial
- EU court: Social networks can't be made to filter content
- 9 questions for outgoing Law Society CEO Malcolm Heins

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, February 16, 2012
- Head of Toronto Police RIDE program suspended for alleged intoxication
- Ethics panel finds attorney has duty to supervise law firm website design
- The Internet strikes back against Tory surveillance bill
- Lawyer suing police after arrest during G20 - Globe and Mail
- LawFacts: Online Legal Advice from Legal Aid Ontario
- Man has heart attack eating at Heart Attack Grill
- Capitol Records Denied Injunction In Cloud Case
- Tories undeterred as judge challenges one-size-fits-all sentencing - Montreal Gazette
- Couple arrested for bondage role-playing on Valentine’s Day
- Law firm marketing: what works best?
- Clients Don't Care for Sea of Sameness
- Female Passengers Say They Were Targeted for TSA Body Scanners (Kim Zetter/Wired.com)
- Outright abortion ban introduced to Iowa House
- Supreme Court of Canada sends mixed signals on 'do the crime, do the time' sentencing: Winnipeg Free Press
- Nortel collapse linked to hacking attack

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, February 15, 2012
- Sperm donor identity debate focuses on children's rights - Vancouver Sun
- Quebec town bans smoking in parks, playgrounds
- Illinois doctor gets four life terms in patients' overdose deaths - Business
- Probe of Whitney Houston’s Death Likely to Look at Docs Who Prescribed Drugs to Her, Experts Say
- Judge warned mandatory minimum gun sentence could backfire - Toronto Sun
- Italy cruise ship passengers file $528 million U.S. lawsuit
- How not to conduct an investigation and dismissal - Canadian HR Reporter (blog)
- Ont Ct of Appeal gives family right to sue Whitby ambulance and paramedics for negligence over death
- Ontario judge is right to rule Ottawa's mandatory sentencing law invalid - Toronto Star
- Lawyer Munyonzwe Hamalengwa accuses LSUC of retaliation against him for human-rights complaint
- Court quashes finding of racial profiling against black lawyers by Peel Law Association library
- 'Scab' slur flys among lawyers in BC legal aid strike
- Court ruling blasts mandatory minimums but fails to draw Conservative ire - Hamilton Spectator
- New ‘lawful access’ law could amount to illegal search and seizure
- Underwear bomber's lawyer calls life sentence cruel
- Valentine's Day Google Doodle
- New Hampshire Republicans Trying to Eliminate Worker Lunch Breaks
- Supreme Court hearing case of man killed by falling tree | CTV Montreal
- Apple iPads may face China export ban over trademark dispute with company claiming it owns iPad mark

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, February 14, 2012
- Statements from bullied child who took his own life ruled admissible in Ontario court
- Judge rejects cameras in court for sentencing of man in Stanley Cup riot
- In challenge to Ottawa, judge refuses to impose mandatory sentence Globe and Mail
- B.C. court backlog 'worst we've ever seen'
- Santorum: ‘Judicial Tyranny’ Is a Serious Issue in the US
- Family law being shunned by lawyers? - Lawyers Weekly
- Ban Wi-Fi in classroom, Ontario teachers union urges, citing radiation safety concerns
- NJ Senate OKs gay marriage bill in milestone vote, but Governor Chris Christie vows to veto
- Law Society of BC Issues Final Report on Cloud Computing
- “Bloggers Under Fire” Launched By EFF
- To The Blind, The Internet Isn’t Always So User-Friendly
- West Virginia law firm giving away a free divorce for Valentine's Day - Charleston Daily Mail
- Masked Man with Machete Robs Justice Breyer During Caribbean Vacation Home Bridge Game
- Federal Court in Florida Appoints Lawyer to Sue Employer Who Allegedly Fired Woman on Jury Duty
- Washington Governor Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill | ThinkProgress
- Canada Public Safety MInister Vic Toews: Online surveillance law's critics are supporting child pornographers
- Canadian Judges Trying to Figure Out What To Do About Twitter in the Courtroom
- Australian man fined for mooning Queen Elizabeth
- Moody's downgrades Italy, Portugal, Spain
- Mom Arrested For Hitting Son In Anger Management Class | The Smoking Gun
- Ontario Judge rejects 'outrageous,' unconstitutional mandatory gun sentence - National Post

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Monday, February 13, 2012
- Twitter Is All in Good Fun, Until It Isn’t
- BC Appeal Court: Employee must mitigate by accepting same position from new owners of purchased business
- Witness error: How mind tricks can put the innocent behind bars
- Challenge to anonymous sperm donor law goes before B.C. appeal court on Tuesday
- Thousands rally to support disbarred Spanish judge Garzon
- Victims' lawyer: 200 accused priests live in California
- Date set for raw milk appeal hearing - Owen Sound Sun Times
- Ticket-Fixing, Disrobed Mich. Judge Now Faces Criminal Charges
- Lawyers do "power lunches" less frequently, survey says
- What happens to HRTO applications if the applicant dies?
- Judge to rule on details of Sandusky house arrest
- Ontario court rules that 60-day insurance mediation timeframe is firm, despite case backlogs
- Native American tribe files $500 million suit against big beer brewers over alcoholism on reserves
- Facebook photos of rave rape earn teen probation - CBC.ca
- Saskatchewan woman faces cocaine retrial over attempt to sell fake cocaine to cop
- Older employees can protect themselves by making age an issue; lawyer - Toronto Star
- Kowalski: Law Society of Upper Canada audits itself when it comes to CPD credits
- Spinning tales about government's honesty regarding wind turbines - The Barrie Examiner
- BC killer whale habitat protection ruled a legal duty - CBC.ca
- Hackers target CIA, state of Alabama websites
- Layoffs on the cheap can be costly - London Free Press
- Man who warned Pickton was killer attends inquiry
- Criminalizing HIV Transmission in Iowa – Wise Law or Hysteria?
- Star Splits: Who came out on top after divorce drama?
- More arrested over bribes in UK phone hacking inquiry
- Supreme Court ruling makes it easier for mentally disabled to testify - Toronto Star

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, February 10, 2012
- Foreclosure Deal to Spur U.S. Home Seizures - Bloomberg
- Shafia mom joins husband, son, in filing intent to appeal murder convictions
- Jury deliberating in Vander Zalm defamation case
- Spain high court convicts judge Garzon in wire-tapping case
- Punitive damages award overturned in Ontario wrongful dismissal case
- Are Lawyers Officially No Longer Technophobic?
- Guilty plea in threat over 'South Park' Muhammad
- Mortgage settlement leaves most homeowners to fend for themselves
- White firefighters in Buffalo win $2.5 mill court award over "reverse-discriminatory" hirings
- Death row inmates sue to stop drug importation
- Apple vs. Google: The Stakes Are Rising (Wall Street Journal)
- Illinois lawmakers introduce bill to legalize same sex marriage
- Supreme Court rules ISPs not subject to broadcast regulations - The Globe and Mail
- WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning arraignment for February 23

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 09, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday February 9, 2012
- Mississippi pardons to be challenged at court hearing
- Reining in the rhetoric on copyright reform
- ‘Legal services are not to be bartered for sexual favours’ | Canadian Lawyer
- 2 Former TSU Law Students Sue Over ‘Arbitrary and Capricious’ D Grade in First-Year Contracts Class
- Canada’s use of torture data sparks outcry
- Washington Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
- Judge Orders Joseph Bray To Take His Wife On Date To Red Lobster And Bowling (VIDEO)
- Toronto mayor slams 'irrelevant' council after transit loss
- HIV treatment not advanced enough to preclude disclosure, Supreme Court hears - Vancouver Sun
- Supreme Court hears HIV disclosure case - CBC.ca
- Prop 8 Supporters Announce U.S. Supreme Court Appeal (David Badash/The New Civil Rights ...)

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, February 8, 2012
- Brazil Sues Twitter in Bid to Ban Speed Trap and Roadblock Warnings
- CSIS may use intelligence derived from torture, Toews says - Canada - CBC News
- Juror Tries to Friend Litigant
- Caliifirnia court to decide in PETA suit that claims SeaWorld whales are illegal ‘slaves’
- Colo Appeals Court: No Medical Marijuana While On Probation
- Crown wants 6-month jail term for testicle-squeezing police officer - Toronto Star
- Toronto asks to opt out of Ontario Municipal Board - Toronto Star
- Italian court refuses to lift cruise ship captain's house arrest
- Newfoundland teacher who sprayed air-freshener on boy after his fishy lunch has been suspended with pay
- Has Canada Become The New Constitutional Law Superpower?
- California Appeals court: Prop 8 same sax marriage ban is unconstitutional - full text of the decision
- Toronto mother jailed 6 ½ years for leaving adopted girl with pedophiles - Toronto Star

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, February 07, 2012
- Lawyer: Pardoned murderer 'not going' back for hearing
- Study: Child abuse bigger threat than SIDS
- 'Right to spank' law called public health threat - CBC.ca
- Court strikes down Georgia's assisted-suicide law (Bill Rankin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
- Ruling, executives shed light on LAO's woes - Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- Unaware ‘Anonymous’ Existed Until Friday, Partner of Hacked Law Firm Is Now Fielding FBI Phone Calls
- Editorial: HIV criminal law not the right approach - Vancouver Sun
- Tory MP wants study of when 'personhood' begins - CTV.ca
- Man told casino losses not tax deductible - Toronto Sun
- MLSE fighting revenue ministry over tax bill for free tickets - Toronto Star
- Saskatchewan court says essential services law is unconstitutional
- Family of woman killed in Toronto bus crash launches $4.25-million lawsuit - Daily Commercial News
- Conservatives Are from Mars, Liberals Are From Venus
- A Gesture to the Supreme Court as It Mulls Indecency Case

Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, February 07, 2012