- My post this week
@SlawTips: The Law Office Backyard Retreat - You can’t base a restrictive law on an imaginary fear
- This is my last digital will and testament
- Montreal cop caught on camera with woman on lap in cruiser
- Pakistan PM condemns stoning of pregnant woman by family near courthouse
- Mom jailed for leaving out gun 5-year-old used to shoot sister
- Judge allows prescription heroin injunction
- Oklahoma attorney accused of harboring a fugitive in his law office gives up law license
- Be careful what you write: that online review could get you sued
- Suspended without pay, judge asks top state court to treat her alcoholism as a disability
- E-cigarettes could save hundreds of millions of lives, scientists tell WHO
- Google prepares webform for removal of search results after European court ruling
- London, Ont. Mayor Fontana trial: Verdict expected Friday the 13th (update)
- Canadian military's top lawyer under legal scrutiny
- Police knew about Santa Barbara shooter’s videos weeks before, but did not watch them
- Only 3 percent of lawyers in BigLaw are black; which firms are most diverse?
- Computer and Internet Law Updates for 2014-05-29