Friday, September 14, 2007

Two Farmer's and the Law of Averages

The Farmer's or the Old Farmer's?

Which to believe?

Unfortunately, this story from MSNBC isn't going to help you decide:

DUBLIN, N.H. - The Old Farmer's Almanac says it used time-honored, complex calculations to predict that 2008 will be the warmest year in a century...

"At the very least, we expect it to be the warmest year in the last century overall, so people will talk about it for that reason alone," said publisher John Pierce.

The Old Farmer's Almanac is not to be confused with the Maine-based Farmer's Almanac... The 2008 edition of that publication, which went on sale in late August, forecasts plenty of snow this winter across the Northeast, temperatures averaging as much as 3 degrees below normal along most of the Atlantic Coast, and four major frosts as far south as Florida, but with tamer weather in the West.

I'm think I'll split the difference and bank on the Law of Averages.

Thus, I'm counting on a pretty normal winter. But hopefully, not too soon.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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