Sunday, September 09, 2007

Universal Health Care Challenged in Ontario Court

Court challenges are being mounted throughout Canada to bring down Canadian public health care.

We wrote earlier about this well-organized and well-funded political effort.

This week, the National Post reported on another lawsuit seeking to strike down critical elements of our nation's universal health care system:

It cost her $95,000, but Shona Holmes says she would be blind today if she had not sought diagnosis, then treatment for a rare eye condition in the United States, circumventing months-long wait lists in Ontario.

Her unsettling case has added ammunition to a lawsuit filed yesterday that seeks to strike down provincial bans on private medicine, private MRI clinics and private health insurance.

Opening the door to for-profit health care would make the system more efficient and curb the kind of delays that threatened Mrs. Holmes' eyesight, argues the conservative advocacy group behind the suit.

The Canadian Constitution Foundation, which is financing a similar case in Alberta, hopes to eventually bring the issue before the Supreme Court of Canada, which has already ruled that Quebec's prohibition on private health insurance is illegal unless health care queues are cut.

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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