Sunday, October 21, 2007

Valerie Plame: "Our Mission Was To Make Sure That The Bad Guys Did Not Get Nuclear Weapons."

A 60 Minutes interview with Valerie Plame's, to be aired tonight, highlights the nature of her mission with the CIA, prior to career-ending leaks of her identity by senior Bush administation officials:

KATIE COURIC: CBS News has learned she was involved in operations to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon. In the interview, we talked about what it meant to have her identity revealed...

PLAME: I can tell you all the intelligence services in the world were running my name through their databases to see did anyone by this name come in the country? When? Do we know anything about it? Where did she stay? Who did she see?

COURIC: And what would be the ramifications of that?

PLAME: Well, it was very serious. It puts in danger, if not shuts down, the operations that I had worked on.

(h/t: Think Progress)

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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