In a decision released on January 7, 2008, Mr. Justice Leonard Mandamin of the Federal Court of Canada set aside the order of an Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) adjudicator denying the refugee claim of a Chinese woman, Pin Xian Xin.
Ms. Xin entered Canada illegally and made a refugee claim, saying she feared persecution in China because of her membership in an underground church and for breaching China's one-child policy.
At the hearing of her claim she was repeatedly asked by an IRB adjudicator about Bible "parabolas." The IRB ruled Ms. Xin could not be a Christian -- partly because she did not know what a "parabola" is and could not answer the question "What is your favourite parabola?"
Justice Mandamin ruled:
"A parabola is a mathematical curve and not a Biblical story……………..the applicant cannot be faulted for the confusion."
Full text of the Judgment: Xin v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)
I am agog.
How do people get on to the Immigration and Refugee Board? I keep having the feeling that intelligence is not a requirement.
My favourite is the parabola of the talents.
President: "Sir, there are questions as to the veracity of your claim to asylum. How did you become a Christian?"
Chen Wei: "I began attending a HC with my wife in Fudan. Eventually I was baptized."
President: "How do you practice?"
Chen Wei: "We share Bibles. We don't have enough. We sing hymns. We hear sermons. We recite the Lord's prayer. We are charitable."
President: "Who is the head of your church?"
Chen Wei: "The head of our parish is an 84 year old man named Wei Ling. He has been beaten and imprisoned many times. The head of our church is Jesus Christ."
President: "Can you name any of Jesus' apostles? If you can't it's ok. I usually can't remember the names of my kids..."
Chen Wei: "Peter... Andrew... John... Phillip... Bartholomew... Thomas... Matthew... Thaddeus... Simon... Judas... and James. Mr. President, Christianity is not demonstrated through a recitation of facts. You are seeking evidence of faith, a whole hearted acceptance of God's promise of a better world. What we hold is that man is justified by faith alone as St. Paul said. Faith is the true ... [struggles for right word] uh, I'm trying to... Shibboleth. Faith is the true Shibboleth."
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