Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Legally Tweeting - November 4, 2009 Edition

recently tweeted

We've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus over the last week or so (while other duties called), but managed to keep up, nonetheless, with our legal tweets in the interim.

Here, then, are highlights of our recently tweeted legal headlines:

1 comment:

sharkibark said...

I've never been a fan of blogs that post their tweets. If I wanted to hear wiselaw tweets I'd be a twitterer? Twit twit.

Personally, I'll head off to if I want a news service. Maybe even hang out at or gosh dangit with the Jawas. AP gives a giggle once in a while too!

I hope from Wiselaw a bit more commentary and insight into Canadian law and politics than a hub of newslinks. A deliberate haitus is better than regugitated pablum.

Posting tweets ain't blogging IMAO. I'll look forward to more insight and commentary in the future. Cheers during the hiatus!