Sunday, December 05, 2010

2010 ClawBie Nominations Open

'Tis once again the season to be ClawBie.

Steve Matthews announced Friday that nominations are now open for this year's Canadian Law Blog Awards. This will be the 5th annual ClawBies, which recognize leading achievements in Canada's legal blawgosphere.

According to the ClawBie website, which also features award categories and previous years' selections, this year's peer nomination process is as follows:
  1. Tweet your endorsement on with the hashtag text:#clawbies2010. We’ll be monitoring!
  2. Email your favourite blog, including a couple sample posts or any other notable highlights, to Steve Matthews at We’d prefer a public nomination, but this is still acceptable.
  3. Write a blog post about three other Canadian law blogs you currently read, and tell us why those blogs were important in 2010. Our usual rules apply: you must be a humble Canadian and tell us NOTHING about your own blog. In return, we promise both the nominator’s blog and the nominee blogs will receive a thorough review. Plus, you get a chance to plug a fellow Canadian blogger!
Nominations close December 28, 2010. I'll announce my personal picks in the days ahead.

The 2010 awards will be announced New Year's Eve.
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
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