Here are the leading legal headlines from Wise Law on Twitter for Friday, July 19, 2013:
- Texan Claims Bar Exam Is Unconstitutional — Which Kind Of Proves Why We Need Bar Exams
- Changes to Condo Act will offer greater protection for residents, Liberals say
- Magnotta video arrest: What does a 'corrupting morals' charge mean?
- As Goes Access to Law School, So Goes Access to Justice – Part II
- Montreal mayor gets arrested, quits, collects $268,000 in severance
- Police charged Yonge St. company for selling fake ID
- Penn State OK’d $60M settlement with two dozen claimed Sandusky abuse victims, WSJ says\
- B.C. court calls retainer agreement in injury case 'flawed' from start
- Lawyer for inmates on hunger strike is banned from all California prisons
- Law firm admits leaking J.K. Rowling's alter ego
- Ignore the haters. Law school is totally worth the cash.
- Leon's Furniture store paid man below minimum wage - Ottawa - CBC News
- Abortion foes succeed in US State Houses
- Opinion: Why the prosecution failed
- Gore website owner granted bail in Magnotta video case, but barred from accessing Internet
- Lawyers to argue for search warrant disclosure in Ford related murder case - Sun News Network
- Grandpa finds marijuana-filled pipe in Burger King Kids Meal
- NSA Using 3 Degrees of Separation For Spying. Feeling Better?
- Debating, Yet Again, the Worth of Law School
- Detroit Files Biggest U.S. Municipal Bankruptcy (Matthew Dolan/Wall Street Journal)
- Here’s what it feels like to be sued by a patent troll
- Top NJ court says warrant is required to track cellphone location
- U.S. reviewing 27 death penalty convictions for FBI forensic testimony errors - The Washington Post
- Judge in Bradley Manning trial rejects motion to dismiss key charge - The Washington Post
- Cloud Storage and Encryption
- Jaywalker handcuffed and put in police car was not arrested, city says in response to civil suit
- Guantanamo guards allowed to continue detainee genital searches
- Rights groups challenge NSA surveillance
- CRA officials may be liable for negligent investigation - Lexology (registration)
- Indiana lawyer is disbarred for revealing client information in autobiography
- Perry Signs Texas Abortion Restrictions Into Law
- Rachel Spence, Law Clerk
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