- Arrival of electronic document delivery drags Ontario lawyers kicking and screaming into the 21st Century
- Game change: Jamaica is about to decriminalize marijuana
- Fired man suffers through epic arbitration delay - Toronto Star
- US Supreme Court to review Oklahoma lethal injection procedure
- Solitary confinement called cruel and unusual punishment in BC lawsuit
- Former WWE wrestlers sue over brain damage, other injuries
- LSUC: Obligations upon Withdrawal from Representation
- Speaker's Corner: A new approach to resolving questions of law on pretrial motions in Ontario
- Fired anti-abortion activist snooped into 414 abortion files at Peterborough, Ontario hospital
- Lowering LSAT Score Requirements at Law Schools May Have Consequences | JD Journal
- Luka Magnotta appeals murder conviction, seeks new trial in Jun Lin killing
- Depositions: Questions to Ask about Documents
- Prison beard ban violates Muslim inmate’s statutory religious rights, SCOTUS rules
- Ontario Court grants huge 14 months notice award to senior exec after three years service
- Halifax pair accused of Air Canada sex act back in court
- Dalhousie dentistry student suspended for Facebook posts he didn’t even see: lawyer
- Doctor in England on trial over female genital mutilation
- Don't be a sitzpinkler: Germany upholds man’s right to pee standing up (and splash the floor a bit)
- Foie gras company on trial for ‘extreme cruelty’ to ducks and geese: ‘We are not barbarians’
- Omar Khadr seeks bail pending US appeal of war crime conviction
- Saskatchewan judge says CBC defamed anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott in 2011
- Crown attorney lining up Senators as witnesses in upcoming fraud trial of Mike Duffy
- Alabama gay marriage ban struck down
- ABS town hall brings out the skeptics
- The Target Collapse and Employee Entitlements
- SCC rules that mergers cannot prevent future competition
- Ontario Superior Court rejects “old brain thinking” in key proportionality analysis - Lexology
- Baker who would not decorate a cake with anti-gay slurs faces civil rights complaint
- Dentons, China’s Dacheng join forces to form world’s largest law firm
- Jane Doe #3 Strikes Back at Dershowitz - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
- Kentucky Republican says 1891 law lets him drive drunk while he’s in office
- Halton courts stretched beyond limits, judges, lawyers warn | The Toronto Star
- Ontario Superior Court decision over Road Salt use sets a dangerous precedent for Ontario municipalities
- Sheriff: Man arrested for tackling armed fellow Wal-Mart shopper who has a concealed-carry permit
- Darren Wilson will not face federal charges for killing Michael Brown: report
- Ontario law allows children to determine medical care - Toronto Star
- Coroner probing death of Makayla Sault, aboriginal girl who refused chemotherapy
- Crown wants 25 years for former Arctic priest convicted of sexual abuse
- Grand Jury Recommends Pennsylvania Attorney General Be Charged With Perjury
- American states seize cash, property from motorists
- Crown wants jail time for dog walker who lied about death of 6 animals7
- Paris Mayor Plans to Sue Fox News Over False Reports of ‘No-Go Zones’
- Manitoba court case could lead to Canadian legal ban on school-aged children staying home alone
- Alabama man is ticketed for eating double quarter-pounder with cheese while driving
- Edmonton’s Beth Israel Synagogue vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti
- GoodLife Fitness has its eye on Target stores and employees for planned expansion
- Prisoner and His Beard Win at the US Supreme Court
- Case on Judicial Campaign Donations Turns Personal for Justices
- Supreme Court case could affect French education rights outside Quebec
- Maple Leafs fans charged with public mischief for jersey tossing protests (Puck Daddy)
- SCC Appeals decided - 16 January 2015 - Lexology
- Dalhousie dentistry student faces disciplinary hearing
- Roman Polanski case moves to Poland as prosecutor seeks to extradite
- Fight resumes over vanished lawyer Javad Heydary's insurance money - Toronto Star
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