- Report finds no evidence ABSs have reduced legal costs - Law Gazette
- Failure of criminal, family courts to share information puts lives at risk
- Assessment of Older Adults with Diminished Capacity: A Handbook for Lawyers
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s pimping trial begins Monday in France
- Filmmaker's email claimed BBC 'policy' barred him from revealing hundreds of living Nazis
- Finding More “Meaning” in the Future of Labour Law
- Should every sexual assault accusation be prosecuted?
- A Constitutional Right to Strike Comes to Canada!
- LSUC getting four to five mortgage fraud complaints a month
- Joe Groia to run for Law Society bencher
- Omar Khadr hopes to restart his life in Edmonton | Globalnews.ca
- Ottawa sues law firm for alleged legal fee fraud in residential schools case
- Public sector workers' right to strike protected by Constitution: Supreme Court of Canada
- Georgia executes inmate despite claims of intellectual disability
- Andrew Sullivan to stop blogging, end Dish blog
- Bill Would Allow Texas Teachers To Kill Students | ThinkProgress
- Interview With Newly Retired Supreme Court of Canada Justice Louis LeBel
- N.S. Supreme Court strikes Barristers' Society decision to deny TWU students right to practise law
- Bountiful leaders to appear in BC court on polygamy charges
- Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling
- Quebec judge rejects challenge over French sign law
- Stephen Harper expected to unveil new anti-terror bill on Friday
- Justice by Facebook: Lawyers online free Sarnia man from unduly harsh ‘mandatory’ marijuana sentence
- Magna Carta to Tour Canada in Its 800th Anniversary Year
- No jail for Toronto police officer convicted of G20 assault
- See the video: PD is handcuffed in court hall for refusing to step aside for police photo of client
- Lawyers free to consult with expert witnesses, Ontario Court of Appeal rules - Financial Post
- Charter challenge to ‘discriminatory’ strip searches moves ahead
- Statistics Canada Article on Twenty-Year Decline in Crime rate
- Fallout still spreading from big workplace cases - The Globe and Mail
- Dean Del Mastro hides behind his baby in court: Mallick
- Second legal challenge launched over solitary confinement in prisons
- Legal backfilling with after-acquired cause
- The Humane Death Penalty Charade
- Home Buyer Beware: Real Estate Representation Agreements
- Pop-Tart gun laws: Protecting the American right to keep and bear pastry
- 'One-sided' realtor representation contract leaves homebuyer with $12K of debt
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