- Ghomeshi case put over to April 28
- Former American Apparel CEO Dov Charney seeks $40M in damages after ouster
- California acts to reject lawyer's 'bullets to the head' anti-gay ballot initiative
- Christian doctors’ group says new college policy infringes on freedom of conscience
- The Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Test for Constructive Dismissal | Bennett Jones LLP - JDSupra
- Are summary judgment motions coming soon to a theatre near you? - Lexology
- Long live the (future) queens! Royal baby law comes into effect across Commonwealth
- Disregard of Charter in anti-terror bill 'untenable': CBA
- PlentyofFish hit with $48K fine relating to Canada’s anti-spam law
- OSC finds former star lawyer Mitchell Finkelstein illegally tipped banker friend
- N.S. Barristers Society appealing Trinity Western decision
- Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert found guilty in retrial on corruption charges
- Why you should buy your .sucks domain name before someone else does
- Lex Machina: Bringing Analytics to Law
- ‘Hot Bench,’ a Court Show From Judge Judy, Is a Surprise Hit
- Justice Delayed in Brampton
- Lawyer for limo driver suing Justin Bieber looking forward to cross-examination - CTV News
- Future Shop stores closed across Canada, some to rebrand as Best Buy
- Thousands march against Indiana’s anti-gay law
- Attorneys: Sterilizations were part of plea deal talks
- Florist in Washington state fined $1000 for refusing to serve same-sex wedding
- Alabama probate judge stops issuing all marriage licenses in ‘spiritual battle’ against gay marriage’
- Ontario to ask medical bodies to ban ‘conversion therapy’ for gay youth
- Ontario to review solitary confinement policies
- Citigroup Report Chides Law Firms for Silence on Hackings
- Wave of state ‘religious freedom’ bills raises fears of anti-gay discrimination in US
- Tobacco giant Philip Morris must disgorge profits from Marlboro trademark infringement
- Cars are becoming the ultimate snoops, privacy report warns
- Family sues physician, Toronto hospital over no-resuscitation order
- What’s the most outlandish excuse you’ve heard someone give for being late to court?
- Rhino horn smuggler Tony Guan from B.C. sentenced to 30 months in U.S.
- Palestinian militants committed war crimes during the 2014 Gaza conflict: Amnesty International
- Canadian man fights strict Dubai swearing laws by arguing 'f— off' is not an insult in Canada
- Privacy watchdog wants Rob Ford medical-records snoopers to be charged
- Unprecedented bail decision for Khadr in hands of judge
- Ontario daycare operator successfully sued in Small Claims court after making complaint to CAS
- Terminating for Cause? Prove It!
- Lawyer argues Khadr has same right to bail as any other prisoner in Canada
- Patrick Brazeau's lawyer attacks credibility of alleged sex assault victim
- Justices Look for Reasoning Behind Texas Ban on Confederate License Plate
- Zimmerman blames Obama
- Utah approves firing squads if lethal injection not possible
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