- Mark Saunders named Toronto’s next police chief
- Mike Duffy trial: Ezra Levant, former Sun News host, set to testify
- FBI admits it fudged forensic hair matches in nearly all criminal trials for decades
- Former Prosecutor Teaches You How to Protect Your Phone From Police, In Less than 2 Minutes
- Why Harry Kopyto won't quit - Toronto Star
- Groups file complaint against Quebec chief justice over English-only ruling
- No justice for paper in the legal profession
- Harper government pulls federal listings from phone book blue pages
- Sick Kids shuts down hair tests at Motherisk lab
- Sony Studio Renews Warning After WikiLeaks Posts Stolen Data
- Judges' 'insurrection' against victim surcharge may be 'ending with a whimper' - Ottawa Citizen
- Oshawa mayor plans to keep Lord’s prayer despite SCC ruling
- Physicians ask Columbia University to fire TV’s ‘Dr. Oz’ from top position at surgery school
- Federal government to invoke terrorism clause to keep Harper family secrets private
- Where is the real Ghomeshi report we crave?
- Court upholds racial profiling injunction on Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Private Company Conspired With Police To Hold Poor People For Ransom, Georgia Lawsuit Charges
- Internal CBC report on former radio host Jian Ghomeshi out Thursday
- Senate rules, policies allowed almost unlimited discretion to all Senators, argues Duffy’s defence lawyer
- Line between religious heritage and discrimination unclear despite ruling against city council prayer
- Prayers can't continue at Quebec council meeting: Supreme Court ruling
- Muslim NYC taxi driver ordered to pay lesbian couple $10k for telling them to stop kissing
- Massive Megaupload file-sharing case falters over sharing Canadian data with FBI
- Lawyer disbarred after faking favourable rulings for client - Toronto Star
- Suspicious Arkansas lawyer finds malware on external hard drive supplied by police lawyer in discovery
- Ontario Reformats Its Electronic Laws Site
- Police launch investigation after Manitoba junior hockey game descends into bloody brawl
- San Antonio ‘Good Samaritan’ chef ticketed and fined $2,000 for feeding homeless
- A scorecard of the Harper government’s wins and losses at the Supreme Court of Canada
- Supreme Court quashes mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes
- Lack of foster spots keep Manitoba kids in jail, watchdog says
- Denver TSA agents fired after using equipment to target ‘attractive’ male passengers for gropes,pat-downs
- New York City to Transform Summons Process
- Mandatory minimum jail sentences 'cruel' lawyer says in applauding top court ... - Toronto Sun
- Texas judge pleads guilty to fixing cases in exchange for car repairs
- Former Blackwater guards get heavy sentences in Iraq mass shooting case
- Criminal Lawyers Association to push for more certificate work as Legal Aid rate hikes end
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