- Toronto man who was granted right to doctor-assisted death has died
- Hulk Hogan gets $115M in sex tape lawsuit against Gawker Media
- California cops charged with theft after pot shop raid
- Ceremony marks Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal 40th anniversary
- Employer's finances not relevant in terminations - Toronto Sun
- Protection Against Sexual Harassment Now Covered Under OHSA
- Hulk Hogan v. Gawker: A Guide to the Trial for the Perplexed
- Trudeau says Canadians’ retirement age staying at 65
- Full-time female lawyers earn 77 percent of male lawyer pay
- Toronto man granted right to physician-assisted death
- Ohio inmate to be put to death again after surviving botched execution
- Are Employees "Washed-Up" at 45?
- Northern most law school in western hemisphere set to open in 2017
- Who is Merrick Garland?
- Obama Nominates Merrick Garland for Supreme Court
- Top court puts Humane Society of Canada on borrowed time - Toronto Star
- Trump wavers on paying violent supporters' legal fees
- Apple and Justice Dept. Trade Barbs in iPhone Privacy Case
- SCOTUS pick vetting closed
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice to resign over porn email scandal
- No Limitation Period for Continuing Breach of Contract
- Donald Trump non-competition agreement makes his volunteers sign their political lives away
- Allies Say Obama’s Court Pick Is Near, and Will Be Hard for Republicans to Ignore
- RCMP's new disciplinary regime more secretive than ever, lawyers say
- 'I was forced out,' says gay former navy officer taking Canadian military to court
- Cab driver files injunction to stop UberX in Toronto
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