Friday, October 15, 2010

Canada: The Rule of Law Index 2010

The World Justice Project's 2010 Rule of Law Index has been released. The project is described as follows:
The Rule of Law Index is a new quantitative assessment tool designed by the World Justice Project to measure the extent to which countries around the world adhere to the rule of law. The Index provides detailed information regarding a variety of dimensions of the rule of law, which enables policymakers and other users to assess a nation’s adherence to the rule of law in practice, identify a nation’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to similarly situated countries, and track changes over time.

Not surprisingly, while Canada rates well overall, significant deficiencies in ensuring access to justice for the poor are identified. The report notes the access to justice challenge crosses national boundaries, and is a widespread issue thoughout all Western nations:
The greatest weakness in Western Europe and North America appears to be related to the accessibility of the civil justice system. In the area of access to legal counsel, for instance, the United States ranks 20th, while Sweden ranks 17th. These are areas that require attention from both policy makers and civil society to ensure that all people, including marginalized groups, are able to benefit from the civil justice system.
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
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