- Audio: The US Supreme Court’s Health Care Arguments
- News Analysis: Justice Anthony M. Kennedy May Be Key to Health Law Ruling
- Arrested Drunk Man Sings "Bohemian Rhapsody" In Its Entirety In Back Of RCMP Police Car (Video)
- Lexis drops free case law portal
- Lindsay Lohan released from formal probation
- Dealing With Difficult Clients
- Canada scraps the penny, a 'currency without currency'
- Abortion restrictions are dying in state legislatures
- RIM announces strategic review; Balsillie to retire
- ACLU files lawsuit over Oklahoma ‘fetal personhood’ ballot measure
- Canadian Human Rights Commission 2011 Annual Report
- Employee non-competition covenants: no place for blue pencils
- Judicial activists in the Supreme Court (E.J. Dionne Jr/Washington Post)
- Toronto mayor fails to delay audit hearing - CBC.ca
- SCC denies leave to appeal in Drabinsky case
- "No Animals Were Harmed": Using Live Animals in Canadian Film and TV Productions
Friday, March 30, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, March 30, 2012
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, March 29, 2012
- RCMP faces class-action lawsuit by former Mountie over sexual harassment
- Controlling employees' behaviour after they leave - Canadian HR Reporter (blog)
- Obamacare hangs in balance in top U.S. court
- Supreme Court Debates Striking Down Whole Health Law
- Mark Rypien is lead plaintiff in lawsuit against NFL over head injuries - Washington Times
- Omar Khadr's transfer to Canada nears approval
- Cross-border shopping slip-and-fall claim against U.S. Home Depot store allowed to proceed in Ontario
- DSK lawyers assert diplomatic immunity
- Pickton inquiry will not get more time: attorney general
- It’s bigger than Trayvon Martin now
- Class Action Law in Ontario Canada - A New Playbook 20 Years In the Making - JD Supra (press release)
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, March 28, 2012
- Unlawful arrest for video recording of Boston police nets attorney $170,000 settlement
- Toronto doctor can't be faulted for making profit from forms, disciplinary hearing told - Toronto Star
- Tax-evading Windsor lawyer loses licence
- Man arrested after pocket dialing 911 during a theft
- Car dealers' lawsuit targets auto parts makers over alleged price-fixing - CTV.ca
- U.S. regulators call for tighter online privacy rules
- Supreme Court skeptical on health care mandate
- How Canada's courts' views on prostitution have evolved - CBC.ca
- A Notice Clause in an Employment Contract is Void if it Might Violate ESA
- Pimps, Brothels and Hookers, Oh My!
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, March 27, 2012
- Ontario eyes appeal of brothel ruling - Toronto Sun
- Toronto News: Human rights tribunal to probe Peel school board’s racial makeup
- Israel cuts working relations with UN Human Rights Council
- 'We’ve come in too high,' Nortel controller declared after surprise profit, court told
- Twitter and the Rule of Law
- Issue for Judge in Lawyer Perjury Case: How to Search Lawyer Files Yet Not Violate Client Privilege?
- Dominque Strauss-Kahn Placed Under Formal Investigation in French Organized Vice Probe
- Oklahoma legislators kill provision to drug test politicians
- Your baby is dead: Mothers say their supposedly stillborn babies were stolen
- Lawyer who had sex with family law client in joint retainer in hot water for disclosure | Law Times
- Brothels and pimping legalized in Ontario - MSNBC
- Alberta judge wants limit on number of drinks served in bars
- Legalization of Ontario brothels hailed as major victory for litigants - Globe and Mail
- Japan court orders Google to halt auto-complete
- Laws protect Canadians from bosses snooping on Facebook
- Top lawyer earns over $8 million
- Legal Expert Survey: Court Unlikely To Declare Health Care Reform Law Unconstitutional | TPM Livewire
- Prostitution decision - Ontario Court of Appeal. Bawdy house provision struck; "communication" law upheld.
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Monday, March 26, 2012
- "The heart is Mr. Cheney’s first"
- When former employees compete - protecting your confidential information
- Interview with US Solicitor General: ‘Grave’ consequences if Supreme Court overturns health reform
- Waiting in Line to See US Supreme Court Health Law Hearing
- Decision on Canada's sex-trade laws coming today - CBC.ca
- lawTechCamp 2012 is Looking for Students
- Facebook slips trademark for 'book' into user agreement - ZDNet
- Mountie found guilty of obstruction of justice in motorcyclist death
- Out-of-town judge to hear mayor’s conflict of interest case
- SCC: Native background must be a factor in sentences
- Ontario Human Rights Commission Issues Statement on Employer Requests for Facebook Passwords
- Warden denies Mariam's dad release for funeral - Toronto Sun
- Rob Ford conflict of interest case heads to court with Clayton Ruby representing Toronto resident
- Cobourg, Ontario legal revolutionary honoured - Northumberland Today - Ontario, CA
- Mayor Rob Ford loses Toronto subway vote - Toronto - CBC News
- U.S. man to plead guilty in celebrity hacking case
- Quebec bar's sanction against Hells Angel lawyer upheld by Supreme Court of Canada
- Ex-priest pleads guilty in landmark sex abuse case
- Ohio Judge: Jail for Facebook rant
- New Jersey school bans hugging after 'incidents'
- Supreme Court of Canada examines aboriginal sentencing
- Facebook warns employers not to demand passwords
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, March 23, 2012
- Air Canada cancels dozens of flights after wildcat strike in Toronto via
@globeandmail - Harper sets Canada, Thailand on path to free-trade agreement via
@globeandmail - Supreme Court ruling lets lawyers talk tough with judges
- Controversial Quebec lawyers return to practice
- Voter ID laws spark partisan controversy | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
- Lynndie England, jailed for Abu Ghraib abuses, says she doesn't feel bad about how Iraqis were treated
- BlackBerry ousted from top spot in Canada by iPhone
- Same-sex couples not entitled under rights law to adopt partner's children: European Court of Human Rights
- US Supreme Court Voids Part of Family Leave Act
- Baglow v Smith: The Sting of the Libel
- Chinese Lawyers Chafe at New Oath to Communist Party
- Quebec panel: Allow doctor-assisted suicide in exceptional cases
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, March 22, 2012
- Graham James sentence may be appealed
- Ontario court to rule Monday on prostitution laws
- Lawyers Practicing Primarily in New York Must Work for Attorney-Owned Firms, Ethics Opinion Says
- Charges laid against Chevron and Transocean over Brazil oil spill
- Asbestos brake pad ban to be tabled by Ontario MPP | Wheels.ca
- Unions Condemn Ryan 'Path to Poverty' Budget
- Mitel sues Facebook over two patents - ZDNet (blog)
- Men jailed for 'accidental' umbilical cord theft - The Local
- KONY 2012 filmmaker diagnosed with psychosis
- Utah approves 72 hour waiting period for abortions
- Seriously? College Grads Misled By NY Law School Job Stats? Judge Doesn’t Buy It, Nixes $225M Suit
- Defendants who get bad advice on plea bargains deserve relief
- Fake Filesharing Lawsuits? Dang, That’s Devious
- House approves placing photo ID on November ballot (Jim Ragsdale/Minneapolis Star Tribune)
- Postal workers find 11 pounds of pot headed to N.Y. publishing house
- Doorey: Ontario Employer cannot ask job applicant for Facebook password - request prohibited by OHRC
- Some Threats OK, Others Not So Much in Personal Injury Settlement Negotiations |Erik Magraken
- Jurors punished for using social media?
- Employer can be vicariously liable for assault by junior employee on more senior one
- SCOTUS Justices Question Mandatory Life-Without-Parole Sentences for Juveniles
- Matt Gurney: Ontario’s ‘Judge Tantrum’ should resign or be fired
- Can Job Applicants Be Asked For Facebook Passwords?
- US Supreme Court Lays Out New Plea Bargain Standards
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, March 21, 2012
- ACLU files torture complaint against US on behalf of Afghan, Iraqi detainees
- Air Canada pilots challenge back-to-work law
- Ontario and New York Bars to hold historic summit
- Wal-Mart pleads guilty to workplace safety charges in N.B. teen's death
- Ex-coach Graham James sentenced to 2 years for sex assaults
- Chemerinsky: SCOTUS Tackles Law and Politics of the Health Care Act
- 9-year-old gets jury duty summons: What's that?
- Declining LSAT Test Takers Could Spell ‘Death Spiral’ for Bottom Law Schools
- We stole a bike in Toronto – it was easy
- US Supreme Court rules on ineffective assistance of counsel claim
- Ontario court upholds $469000 award for sex assault - OHS Canada
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, March 20, 2012
- GTA law firms lag on diversity: report
- Ontario judge reprimanded for freeing defendants because prosecutor was late
- Sheriff Arpaio refuses to drop ‘birther’ investigation of Obama | The Raw Story
- Shades of grey: Are employers ready for workers in their 80s?
- Women Lawyers-There's An App For That
- Global Warming In Action
- Corporations get tax breaks thanks to ‘Citizens United’
- Addressing the High Cost of Cloud Computing Due Diligence
- Family Law: New
#privacy tort a minefield for#family law - Law Times - Canada Lesbian Couple's Engagement During Toronto Maple Leafs-Ottawa Senators ...
- Toronto Maple Leafs back into playoff hunt?
- Business loan fraud by Rebecca Schneider
- Facebook Friending Leads to Bigamy Charge
- Toronto-Danforth By-Election Today (Update: NDP Craig Scott Elected)
- Justices at odds over benefits for child conceived after parent's death
- Mistrial in 'Desperate Housewives' suit
- Appeals court upholds graphic
#cigarette warning labels - Government appoints former
#Conservative candidate as#postal arbitrator - MastheadOnline - 8 Fanshawe students suspended over weekend riot - CTV.ca
- Articling crisis runs much deeper than just articling | Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- Google's Blogger Attempts to Protect Content by Country: Redirects .com Blogs to Country-Specific Domains
- Cabinet member's Ontario ruling over court file access 'abusive'
- Canadian Employment Law: Characterization of Settlement Monies - Get it Right
- Mets’ Owners and Madoff Trustee Settle Suit
- Ethics Sanction Requested for Wisconsin Justice over B-Word, Neck-Touching Incidents
- As US Health Care Law Trial Nears, 67% Say Ditch Individual Mandate
- Court rules no cameras for Graham James sentencing
- Lawyers skeptical of LAO's 'phenomenal' changes - Law Times
- Judge: MegaUpload founder’s property seized with bogus warrant
- U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider life imprisonment for juveniles
- Family Law: New privacy tort a minefield for family law - Law Times
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
140 Law Legal Headlines for Monday, March 19, 2012
- U.S. judge on Strauss-Kahn case: just another trial
- Brown: Secret Service gives Santorum ‘first time he’s used protection’
- Judge bashes Ontario's archaic court document system - The Globe and Mail
- Nazi war criminal Demjanjuk dies at 91
- Judge urged to televise sentencing of ex-coach - Calgary Herald
- Law firm employees: Orange shirts got us fired
- NZ Court Voids First Kim DotCom Asset Seizing Order
- Great moments in law firm management?
- Santorum: Obama ‘exposing children’ to risk from porn
- Politicians can criticize judiciary, but shouldn't interfere: BC's top judge
- German court orders Nazi-seized posters returned
- Ex-Rutgers Student Guilty on Multiple Counts, Could Get Max in Webcam Hate Crime Case
- B.C. chief justices come out swinging
- Justice David Brown Lambastes Ontario Government’s “Poor Excuse of A System” for Document Management
- Opinion: Obama vs. chief justice?
- Ding Dong! Righthaven is Gone!
- Manitoba Judge reserves decision on cameras in court for ex-coach Graham James' sentencing
- Privacy suit filed against Path, Twitter, Apple, Facebook, others - CNET
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, March 19, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
140Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, March 16, 2012
- Chief Justices of BC's Three Courts Issue Joint Statement on Judicial Independence
- Bill C-377 - Crippling Canadian Unions
- Is Facebook part of your estate? States weigh laws to govern social media - Washington Post
- Reverse engineering and product puffery lead to punitive damages
- Federal prosecutor taken off cases after Web posts
- SCC: Once disbarred celebrity lawyer Micheline Parizeau free to practice law in Quebec | Montreal Gazette
- 'I Have An Unhealthy Dependency On My Assistant'
- Rogue’ Lawyer Gets 30 Days in Jail After Tape Catches Him Helping Divorce Client Break into Home
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
140Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, March 15, 2012
- Racial profiling finding against Toronto police upheld on appeal
- Judge deals death blow to copyright troll Righthaven
- Legal Aid in Canada: Resource and Caseload Statistics
- Federal jury rules against Portland police in Tasing of man suspected of graffiti tagging
- Lawyers target Thomson Reuters in copyright class action
- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford learns the hard way: obey the rules
- On last day free, Blagojevich offers last words
- Blagojevich to Begin Prison Term for Corruption
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
140Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, March 14, 2012
- Jury Foreman Is Fined $500 for Online Sentencing Research; Judge Calls for Revised Model Instruction
- How to Use Pinterest without Breaking the Law
- Celeb chef Mario Batali to pay $5.25 Million in class action over tip skimming scam
- UN torture chief accuses US of cruel and inhuman treatment towards WikiLeaks suspect
- Q&A: Roy McMurtry on the 30th birthday of Canada's Charter - Toronto Star
- Reach Out and Jail Someone: Another Copyright Extradition Approved
- Appeal court upholds decision that Toronto police officer was motivated by race - Toronto Star
- Arizona Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using "Whore Pills"
- Millennium bomber's sentence overturned as too lenient - Toronto Star
- In the final moments, a Canadian copyright tug of war - Ottawa Citizen
- The history of anti-tobacco litigation in Canada
- Couples in Turkey Divorce to Receive Parents' Pensions
- Lawyers for Canadian tobacco companies blame smokers
- Rebekah Brooks, 5 others arrested in Murdoch hacking probe in UK
- So chickenhawk Cheney goes AWOL on "too dangerous" Toronto. Send him to Jalalabad, instead
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
140Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, March 13, 2012
- The U.S. News Law School Rankings Are Out!
- Dick Cheney cancels Toronto trip, says Canada is too dangerous
- Florida ethics committee rules no proscription against judges blogging.
- Yahoo sues Facebook over patent infringement - Montreal Gazette
- Personal injury lawyers fed up with FSCO mediation delays - Law Times
- Clayton Ruby Seeking Rob Ford's Removal from Office - Torontoist
- Key ruling on online libel heads to appeal court this week - Canadian Lawyer Magazine
- Are lawyers ready to give up BlackBerrys for iPhones?
- Canada Employment Law: After Acquired Just Cause - Timing is Important
- Pickton inquiry on hold as replacement lawyer sought
- Mayor Rob Ford faces removal challenge over conflict of interest charge
- Justice blocks Texas voter ID law (Justin Sink/The Hill)
- UK court allows right to die case to proceed
- Judge rules Wisconsin's voter ID law unconstitutional - JSOnline
- MPs vote to give Elections Canada more power
- The Lawsuits Against Law Schools -- New York Magazine
- Go to Trial: Crash the Justice System (Michelle Alexander/New York Times)
- Toronto homeowner files to remove mayor from office
- GOP Rep. introduces bill to trigger Obama’s impeachment
- Court upholds $470K award for workplace assault - Law Times
- Law Society search power challenged - Lawyers Weekly
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, March 13, 2012