- Judge opens door for Michigan juvenile lifers
- Revenue Canada worker fired over video game creation
- Federal judge rules Samsung did not willfully infringe Apple patents
- Quote of the Day: Bringing Crazy Back (to SCOTUS)
- Quoting Scalia, ABA president tells US Congress Second Amendment rights have limits
- Missouri Bill Would Require All First Graders To Take NRA-Sponsored Gun Class
- $1.5 Million Penalty for Workplace Accident in Alberta
- The Anti-Spam Act, Part 3 of 5: Other Things in the Act
- Law students, here’s some unsolicited advice (via Legal Post)
- Woman who impersonated Sask. beauty queen on Facebook to con men banned from using Internet
- Terminating Employee on 3 Month Sick Leave Discriminatory
- 2013 Annual General Meeting - Law Society of Upper Canada
- Federal judge accepts BP guilty plea, approves $4 billion oil spill settlement
- Markham arena to proceed with plan for public funding
Thursday, January 31, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, January 31, 2013
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, January 30, 2013
- Sewers, Curfews and a Ban on Gay Bias (Dan Barry/New York Times)
- Gun group to sue over tougher NY gun law
- Through a Glass, Darkly: The Future of Court Technology
- The Anti-Spam Act, Part 2 of 5: The Definition and Treatment of Spam
- 2012 wasn’t such a bad year for law firms after all; survey findings ‘a complete surprise’
- Editorial: Dispute over inches not worth court’s time | Commentary | Law Times News
- Using employment contracts to address post-employment issues - Canadian HR Reporter (blog)
- LAWPRO Magazine archives: Wills, powers of attorney and the elderly
- When can workers be fired for Facebook posts and tweets?
- Refusal to make burger allegedly leads to wife's death
- Scalia: The Constitution Is 'Dead, Dead, Dead' | TPM LiveWire
- Source: Lindsay Lohan decides to make L.A. court date
- Analysis: The Decision on Rob Ford’s Appeal | news | Torontoist
- Gadhafi son's ex-bodyguard to be deported from Canada
- How your cellphone contract could change for the better
- Woman attacked after judge leaves her in courtroom with her ex; she was seeking a protection order
- UK Supreme Court denies extension of legal advice privilege to tax accountants
- Sotomayor’s ‘Beloved’ Readers: Justice’s Book is a Best Seller
- U.S. ranked 32th in press freedom index
- UK appeals court rules criminal records disclosure law violates human rights
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, January 29, 2013
- Kingston eye specialist could lose medical license after alleged affair with nanny | National Post
- The Anti-Spam Act, Part 1 of 5: Introduction
- LSUC's Your Law Video Series: Certified Specialist
- Paralegal, agent rapped for fake judgment
- Paper: DA rejected JonBenet indictment
- Bill would legalize cohabitation in Virginia - The Washington Post
- Total law school applications may fall to 30 year low
- Two Toronto officers on trial accused of unlawful force - Globe and Mail
- Lawyers: Preserve secret CIA prisons as evidence
- Madoff Investors Can’t Sue The SEC, Says Court
- Texas woman's execution 1st in US since 2010
- 3 arrested in deadly Brazil nightclub fire
- Iran court sentences US pastor to eight years in prison
- PracticePRO Lending Library: 2013 Solo & Small Firm Legal Technology Guide
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Monday, January 28, 2013
- Michigan joins growing list of states that prohibit employers from asking for social media passwords
- A Quick US Guide to Mocking Your Boss On Facebook Without Getting Fired - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
- Rob Ford Conflict Case Successfully Appealed
- Human rights tribunal probes immigrant’s complaint about huge rent deposit
- Liberal leadership: Kathleen Wynne to become next premier of Ontario
- The delusions that companies have about the cloud
- Year-end to do list for a profitable practice
- A Flood of US Lawsuits Fight Coverage of Birth Control
- Toronto mayor wins fight to keep his job, but not without rebuke from court
- FSCO Updates Family Law Forms - Mondaq News Alerts (registration)
- "The Innocence Penalty"
- Ontario Ministry of Labour Inspection Blitzes - January - March 2013
- practicePRO Resource: A post-matter client survey precedent
- Clayton Ruby's statement on Rob Ford decision | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
- LSUC investigations taking longer | Canadian Lawyer Legal Feeds
- German court: Internet provider can be sued for damages for down-time
- Wife accused of trying to bribe juror in husband's sex assault case
- Unlocking cellphones becomes illegal in USA Saturday
- Former CIA agent gets 30 months for leaking operative's name - U.S. News
- Re: The SCOC on ‘Lola and Eric’ - Blog Central, Need to know, Uncategorized - Macleans.ca
- JURIST - Paper Chase: Canada top court: Quebec common law couples do not have rights of married couples
- Quebec does not have to give same rights to common-law couples: Supreme Court of Canada
- 'Humbled' Toronto Mayor Rob Ford vows to keep fighting after winning appeal - CTV News
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, January 25, 2013
- In malpractice case, Catholic hospital argues fetuses aren’t people | The Colorado Independent
- Lance Armstrong faces class action by readers of his autobiography
- N.S. hit man case didn't need husband's side, Crown says
- Parents of twins to take benefits appeal to top court
- Workplace Prof Blog: Henderson: Crisis in Law Schools is a Labor Market Issue
- ABA supports assault weapons bill introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein
- N.M. bill makes aborting a rape pregnancy ‘tampering with evidence’ is unlikely to pass
- New U.S. Criminal and Civil Case Filings Decline 4% In FY 2012
- Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only
- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford awaits crucial court ruling | CTV Toronto News
- Appeals court throws out Mattel’s challenge to Bratz
- US pastor who helped pair flee in same-sex custody dispute refuses to testify, is held
- UN rights expert announces investigation into use of drone strikes
- Jailed For HIV
- Alberta Court of Appeal clarifies fiduciary obligations of employees - Lexology
- Nortel mediation talks fail to produce a settlement
- If he loses appeal, Toronto’s mayor could still appeal to Supreme Court of Canada
- Court: Twitter must ID racist users
- Judge: Wrongful death claims in Aurora shooting should be tossed
- Neuroscience: The Next Frontier in Criminal Law?
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, January 24, 2013
- Child Custody Outcomes for Parents with Disabilities
- Black History Month celebration : | LSUC Gazette
- Sotomayor: Lawyering is a gift, and unhappy lawyers should ‘go back to square one’
- New Code of Ethics in British Columbia Introduces New Concepts
- Wanted: Expert on Sandwich-Related Damages for 'Subway 11-Inch Litigation'
- US Supreme Court receives opening briefs in same-sex marriage cases
- Miami NOA delayed as NCAA investigates itself
- Mayor Rob Ford to learn his fate Friday morning
- State's Chief Judge Says Proposal To Allow Law Students To Take New York Bar After Two Years Is Worth Study
- Lindsay Lohan's lawyer quits: report - Toronto Sun
- Seventh Circuit strikes down sex offender social networking ban
- Lawsuit: Scientology just ‘taking people’s money
- Should the state pay the legal defense costs of acquitted criminal defendants?
- A ‘mild uptick’ in 2012 legal hiring doesn’t keep pace with US job growth
- Good grief! Charlie Brown voice actor charged
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, January 23, 2013
- ABA committee recommends keeping LSAT requirement
- Vulture culture - Law21
- RIM ready for battle in smartphone war, analyst says - Business - CBC New
- Turkish court charges nine lawyers under anti-terrorism law
- Canadian Employment Law Today - Poor performance, not reprisal, at root of sales associate’s dismissal
- Ontario to repeal controversial teachers legislation, Bill 115
- Harshly Criticizing Judges (or Others) for Their Past Conduct = Crime?
- Khadr returns to high profile lawyer; current ones step down - Toronto - CBC News
- Doug Ford blasts $50M sole-sourced contract to control all TTC newsstands | Posted Toronto | National Post
- New York Hasidic leader gets 103 years for abuse
- Law schools: “a remorseless, above-the-law attitude that enables it all”
- 40 years after Roe, states seek to limit abortions
- Canadian court to Iran: Pay hostages' legal bill - National Post
- Thai activist jailed for 11 years for ‘royal slurs’
- Nice raisin crop you’ve grown there. Now hand over 47% of it to the state.
- Supreme Court of Canada to examine boundaries of ‘conflict of interest’
- LAWPRO Magazine archives: Meet the New Family Law Lawyer
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
140 Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday January 22, 2013
- This week at the SCC
- Activists use MLK’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech to pick copyright fight
- New York ex-con charged for shooting neighbor’s guitar over loud music
- Bad tenant scams - CBC.ca
- Oklahoma lawmaker: Let businesses fire cigarette smokers
- Ontario man acquitted of careless driving after cough led to fatal car crash
- Books of The Times: ‘My Beloved World,’ a Memoir by Sonia Sotomayor
- Canadian Justice Department lawyer Edgar Schmidt courageously blows the whistle: http://thestar.com
- Jurors see Ashley Smith death video; frantic efforts failed to revive teen
- California Sheds Prisoners but Grapples With Courts
- York U. v Markicevic: A Treasure Trove for Civil Litigators
- Canadian gunman kills two in Philippine courtroom
- At Stanford, Clinical Training for the Defense of Religious Liberty
- BC Human Smuggling Ruling To Be Appealed
Monday, January 21, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Monday, January 21, 2013
- Canadian deans accused of ‘anti-religious bias’ over attempt to block Christian law school
- Megaupload indicted founder Kim Dotcom launches new site
- Federal prosecutors file charges against Michigan Supreme Court justice
- Read a Lawyer's Amazingly Detailed Analysis of Bilbo's Contract in The Hobbit (James Daly/Wired)
- Kindergartner Suspended Over Bubble Gun Threat - ABC News
- Mandatory minimums may face tough year in the courts with various challenges - Regina Leader-Post
- Briton jailed over beheading videos posted on Facebook
- LSAC update on law school applicants for fall 2013
- Duress no excuse for hiring hit man | Canada | News | Sarnia Observer
- Abused N.S. woman at centre of Supreme Court case ready to move on | CTV News
- Lance Armstrong as litigant
- Lance Armstrong’s former associates reject ‘little runt’s’ confession | Sports | National Post
- Law Society of Upper Canada urges judicial independence in Sri Lanka
- Quebec judge scolded after small-claims court case reveals she had renovations done under the table
- Reducing law school to 2 years would just add to lawyer glut, says law prof
- Italy court rejects Berlusconi's request to suspend trial until after election
- Former NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin Indicted
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Monday, January 21, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Friday, January 18, 2013
- Pregnant? That Might Get You Arrested
- The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery
- How to survive a high conflict divorce | HuronBullet News
- Lance Armstrong tells Oprah he was ringleader of doping scheme
- Ashley Smith coroner's jury visit prison cell where teen died
- Employment contracts - things to think about in 2013
- Canadian sentenced by Chicago court to 14 years for supporting terrorists - CBC News
- Not a crime for man to threaten girlfriend if that's how he normally speaks to her: Supreme Court of Canada
- Supreme Court OKs seizure of repeated drunk driver's truck in Quebec case
- U.S. attorney defends handling of Aaron Swartz case as ‘appropriate’
- California porn actress-turned-teacher ruled unfit for school
- CBC Interview on Courts and Tweets
- How a Computer Did the Work of Many Lawyers (subscription)
- New York Times: Make Law Schools Earn a Third Year (with a Reply)
- Child’s Best Interests and a Trip to Israel
- Video of alleged police urination on prisoner no longer exists, man told
- Thomson Reuters Unveils New Tools for Litigators, Corporate Counsel and Small Firms
- “San Antonio Spurs sued by lawyer for resting top players”
- WikiLeaks judge: prosecutors must prove defendant knew he was aiding enemy
- Ottawa’s immigration backlog wipeout illegal, lawyers argue before Federal Court
- Federal court: post-9/11 detainee lawsuit against federal officials dismissed
- Defence lawyer causes stir with badly-written letter promoting himself to accused killer
- Supreme Court of Canada case: Do non-citizen offenders deserve lighter sentences
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Thursday, January 17, 2013
- #Ottawapiskat
- Sheriffs, state lawmakers push back on Obama gun control initiatives
- "AvoidAClaim" Blog | Self-Represented Litigants: A Survival Guide by Carol Cochrane
- Attorney, had affair with divorce client, billed her for time they spent having sex
- Roe v. Wade at 40: Most Oppose Overturning Abortion Decision - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
- 2013 to be crucial year for class actions in Canada | Legal Post | Financial Post
- The Lapsed Lawyers Survey Results
- Obama presents bold gun control plan as NRA promises ‘fight of the century’
- Judge: Bradley Manning’s motive not a defense in WikiLeaks case
- No, You Can't Sell Those Pictures You Found on Twitter
- Canadian anti-spam regulations published for a 30-day comment period
- Dutch court rules Samsung tablets do not infringe Apple design
- Federal lawyer suspended after suing his own department
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Wednesday, January 16, 2013
- Can an Employer Prohibit Tatoos and Piercings?
- British court rules Christian employee’s right to wear cross ‘does not trump other human rights'
- Judge who dismissed racial slur as ‘surprising to Colonel Sanders’ gets sensitivity lesson - ABA Journal
- Former Fried Frank employee stole $376K worth of copy machine toner from law firm, DA says
- Ore. sheriff says he won't enforce new gun laws
- The Ontario justice system is ‘A cattle call of lawyers’
- Does child porn conviction merit firing?
- Lindsay Lohan pleads not guilty over lying allegations
- Did the Justice System Fail Aaron Swartz?
- Warden explains to Ashley Smith inquest workings of women’s prisons | 570News
- As Nortel pensioners struggle, the lawyers are doing just fine - The Globe and Mail
- Saskatchewan court says no random police checks in private parking lots - Macleans.ca
- Nortel acquittals could have chilling effect on Canadian prosecutions
- Report: The BigLaw Boom Years Are Not Coming Back, Get Used to It
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
140Law - Legal Headlines for Tuesday, January 15, 2013
- Pakistan Supreme Court Orders Arrest of Prime Minister
- B.C. enables paralegals, takes bold step toward greater access to justice
- Lance Armstrong Admits Doping, and Says He Will Testify Against Cycling Officials
- Judgment for forfeiture of Chatham property to Crown over tenants' criminal activity to be appealed
- "It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach."
- When terminating a disabled employee, look before you leap
- “What the Aaron Swartz case says about our justice system”
- Conway warns of downsides to reform | Law Times News
- No more 3Ls? Proposal would let law students skip their third year
- Bertuzzi-Moore court documents shed light on ex-NHL player’s struggles
- Monday, January 14, 2013 | Inside Story | Law Times News
- Accused lawyer seeking deceased husband’s insurance | Headline News | Law Times News
- 2013 Law Firm Outlook: ‘Don’t Get Caught Swimming Naked
- Boy, 12, guilty of murder in death of neo-Nazi dad
- Without a smoking gun, Nortel fraud case was legal suicide
- Former Nortel executives claim 'vindication' after fraud acquittal - Globe and Mail
- B.C. court strikes down human smuggling law; Tamil cases in limbo - The Globe and Mail
- Clarence Thomas breaks seven year long silence during Supreme Court oral arguments - The Washington Post
- Freshman Republican threatens to impeach Obama over gun control
- Asked a question "Since this morning, all data after Dec 11/12 is missing from my Y! calendar. How can this data be restored?"
Posted by
Rachel, Law Clerk and Office Manager
Tuesday, January 15, 2013