Sunday, September 23, 2007

U.N. - Iran Report Attacks Canada's Human Rights Record

From Winnipeg Free Press:

UNITED NATIONS -- In a bid to discredit Canada at the United Nations, Iran is equipping world diplomats with a 70-page booklet on Canada's alleged human rights violations.

Written by Iran "in the name of God," the document asserts that the Canadian government denies its people food, clean water and the right to work.

"Routine unlawful strip and beatings by Canadian police has been a matter of concern for international community," notes the booklet, entitled Report on Human Rights Situation in Canada, adding that "the practice of police is alarming simply because I it is functioning as if there is no need to have judges."

The publication, which claims its allegations are drawn from "objective and factual information released by authentic and credible international sources", alleges that a range of human rights violations occur in Canada, especially toward aboriginal peoples and immigrants.

"To the great dismay of the international community, it is a great concern that the rights of women are violated, and no serious attention has been paid in promotion and protection of women's rights in Canada."

- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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1 comment:

afterfostercare said...

This is an interesting situation. Imagine a state such as Iran saying such things about a country such as Canada. Oh Canada, although a free and beautiful place to live, and as a Canadian I am quite proud to live here as well, but is it wrong for us to look at the things we are doing wrong? Just because Canada has a great international image, and justifiably so, does it mean that we should turn a blind eye the the things which we are not so proud of?

I personally don't think so. I know it can't all be laid at the feet of the Government. But there are points to be made and in a democratic Society, we should have a right to make those statements and hope that they are worked on.

In a parallel situation, imagine an organization which does great work to assist children, and is loved by a great number of citizens who have a wonderful image of that organization. What does one do when they discover the organization spends tax payers dollars on committing Offences, even if only of a Provincial Offences nature, are we not shocked?

Unfortunately not. Who am I? A former foster child who advocates for positive changes to child welfare services in Canada.

My blog says it all.

PS: Great work you are doing here, and awsome video by Pink!

Have a great day

John Dunn, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada