Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Garry Is..."

Yet another Facebook time well-waster (from Rachel S.) to amuse your friends and loved ones...

Google: "[YourName] is."

See the truth that then unfolds before your eyes.

You will laugh. You will cry.

And then, you will blog about it....

Here are my top ten results:

Garry is....

  • named after Garry Kasparov, the last human chess master to be beaten by a machine
  • the brilliant biochemist I could never be
  • very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing his feelings
  • the right choice for Indian coach
  • going out of town this weekend and I am going to be alone. NICE!!
  • totally UNPREDICTABLE, and not even his own manager or band know what he´ll do next onstage
  • the most enjoyable Elvis tribute artist I have met
  • a past Chief Financial Officer of the Professional Speakers and Mentors Association
  • one of 18 musicians to win a Grammy award for the 1998 recording of Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians
  • tired and emotional - he returns to Shirley and Heather's flat. He explains the truth - Hazel did love Minty...
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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