Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Spamming Facebook Can Be Rather Expensive

A Quebec Court has upheld an $873 million California judgement in favour of Facebook against an "erectile dysfunction spammer." The judgment is so large it has landed Adam Guerbuez in the Guinness book of world records - and bankruptcy court.
“Does Facebook expect to quickly collect $873-million and share the proceeds in some way with our users? Alas, no. It’s unlikely that Guerbuez and Atlantis Blue Capital could ever honour the judgment rendered against them (though we will certainly collect everything we can),” the company wrote on its blog after the original verdict. “But we are confident that this award represents a powerful deterrent to anyone and everyone who would seek to abuse Facebook and its users.”
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
Visit our Toronto Law Firm website: www.wiselaw.net

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