- Rob Ford: ‘Intoxicated’ Toronto mayor asked to leave military ball
- Property Managers Not Welcome at the Landlord and Tenant Board - licensed lawyers and paralegals only
- Rob Ford calls story about intoxication 'an outright lie'
- Amanda Knox must be retried following her acquittal, Italian Supreme Court rules
- How your movements create a GPS 'fingerprint'
- Top court in U.S. may duck same-sex marriage ruling
- LAWPRO Magazine archive: How Long Should You Keep Your Closed Files?
- Transcripts: US Supreme Court oral arguments on same-sex marriage
- Manitoba judge bans girl, 12, from Facebook - Manitoba - CBC News
- Lindsay Lohan Mug Shot Gallery, Part III
- LAPD to get tapes of defense lawyer talks with convicted ‘Charles Manson family’ killer
- The World's Fairer with Courtroom Tweets - Huffington Post Canada (blog)
- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s pattern of behaviour tells a troubling story: Editorial
- 13 key moments in the US Supreme Court argument over gay marriage
- The 7 Worst Things Antonin Scalia Has Said or Written About Homosexuality (Adam Serwer/Mother Jones)
- Wilful misconduct, disobedience or wilful neglect of duty under the ESA
- US judge: NY man's lawsuit claiming Facebook ownership should be dismissed - Macleans.ca
- Critics credit Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair for tough talk, but say sanctions must follow
- This week at the SCC
- US Supreme Court, Citing Ban on Unreasonable Searches, Limit Use of Drug-Sniffing Dogs
- Canadian Judgments Need Style
- US Supreme Court to hear Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) case on Wednesday
- Text messages privacy ruling expected from Supreme Court of Canada
- The Proposition 8 Supreme Court Arguments: Standing and Standing
- North Dakota Governor signs law banning most abortions
- Supreme Court Sharply Divided On Whether States May Ban Gay Marriage (Sahil Kapur/Talking Points Memo)
- US Supreme Court Justices appear hesitant as they hear arguments over same-sex marriage
- Farber On Cdn Human Rights
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