- Harper suspended Commons committee reviews of Gascon’s Supreme Court appointment in June: House documents
- Experiential Legal Writing: The New Approach to Practicing Like a Lawyer
- Saskatoon woman deported to native Pakistan where she fears stoning to death
- New DNA test can distinguish identical twins, prosecutors say; is it ‘ready for prime time’?
- Federal judge declares mistrial in Patti LaBelle case because there are no black jurors
- Canada Revenue Agency sets up snitch line for own staff
- Online ammo sellers sued over Colorado theatre shooting
- Peter MacKay’s department says it’s ok for Chief Justices to comment on Supreme Court appointments
- FBI launches a face recognition system
- Finding acceptable jurors in case of Luka Rocco Magnotta a trial in itself as 5 selected, many rejected
- Federal appeals court tosses $368 million FaceTime patent case verdict against Apple
- Harper sidestepped MPs on Supreme Court pick due to Nadon ‘leaks’
- Bad tenant arrested while at court for separate matter | The Toronto Star
- Tips Tuesday
- Short Updates: A Thank-You to Eugene Meehan
- Duffy lawyer won’t rule out calling PM as witness
- Canada’s Colin Lachance is blazing a ‘new frontier for free legal information’
- Mike Duffy's lawyer presses for early trial on fraud charges - Toronto Star
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