Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Simran Bakshi on Employment Law: What to do if you’re about to be Terminated?

If you think you're about to be terminated here are 6 things to keep in mind:

1. Keep very good notes of everything that is happening in the workplace.

2. if there are any key documents including your employment contract, warning letters, or other                communications from your employer, keep copies of them.

3. If you're calling to a termination meeting, keep any documents that may be given to you and                   simply say thank you will consider it.

4. Don't sign anything.

5. Speak with a lawyer if there has been a termination provision given to you. You could be entitled            to significantly more.

6. If your employer has given you an unreasonable deadline for response try to be respectful of it but         if you can't meet it don't worry about it, you're not employed with them anymore and they don't get         to give you these kinds of deadlines anymore. 

- Simran Bakshi, Toronto
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