- Two sleeping children strangled by escaped python in Canada
- Fracking Settlement: Children, 7 and 10, Face 'Lifetime Gag Order'
- Groia’s appeal accuses LSUC of ‘abuse of process’
- Ontario JP Errol Massiah facing fresh sexual harassment allegations
- Practicing international law
- CanLII Ottawa Hackathon September 2013
- The Rob Ford crack video: the truth
- N.B. retirees hire lawyer to fight pension reforms - CBC.ca
- ABA Task Force on the Future of Legal Education Releases Working Paper
- Man with alleged Rob Ford crack video arrested, report says
- Regulators close three abortion clinics in three months
- Sen. Obama warned about Patriot Act abuses. President Obama proved him right.
- Ex-staffer in Mayor Rob Ford's office questioned by police after Project Traveller
- U.S. judge denies class action lawsuit by women suing Wal-Mart
- Germany ends UK, U.S. info sharing
- US to process same-sex visa applications
- We're living '1984' today
- FBI pressures Internet providers to install surveillance software | Politics and Law - CNET News
- Tips on Writing a Professional Letter
- Ottawa Citizen wins fight for student grade records from Carleton university
- Southern Poverty Law Center files complaint about Florida’s race-based student achievement plans
- Canada’s conservative Prime Minister slams Obama’s statements on Keystone XL gas pipeline
- 25 greatest law novels…ever!
- Could GTA flooding be used as home sale escape hatch?
- Russians change mind for 4th time, now claim won’t jail gays during Olympics
- Federal judge blocks new Wisconsin abortion law - Times Union
- US Supreme Court Won't Halt Measures to Set 9000 California Prisoners Free to Solve Overcrowding
- Will NSA Surveillance Kill U.S. Cloud Computing Businesses? | Crooks and Liars
- Woman fined $219 for not paying bus fare with exact change
- Florida lawmakers to revisit ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws after Zimmerman protests
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