- BlackBerry recovery proves to be short-lived
- Let's Finally Kill the Billable Hour!?
- Lawyers’ Use of Cloud Shows Big Jump in ABA Tech Survey
- Can The US Death Penalty Be Defeated?
- US Justice: A Rotting Tree of Poisonous Fruit?
- When Judges Attack! Judge Rips Jury For Not Guilty Verdict
- Ten Rules for Depositions
- Dying disbarred civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart asks federal judge to vacate sentence
- Military judge cuts Bradley Manning’s potential sentence to 90 years
- Justice Department sues Bank of America over mortgage-backed securities fraud
- Senior UK Judge rejects specialized sex abuse court plan
- LAWPRO Magazine archives: Practice Pitfalls – Franchise Law
- Isolation of inmates rising in crowded Canadian prisons
- New CMHC restrictions could impact mortgage rates
- Ontario Court of Appeal dismisses “problem gambler” class action
- Electronic trail helped MLB gain Biogenesis bans
- Judges losing patience as anti-government tax-deniers clogging Canada's courts with ‘absurd’ claims
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